Kevin Smith Too Fat to Fly

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lol. if every seat was occupied by people weighing like 300lbs that plane aint getting off the ground. its not a question of equality. its a question of physics...:rotfl

True. Airplanes, cars, buses, ect are made according to the average healthy persons weight height, and size. If people are going to make the decision to let themselves become overweight, they have to be aware that they are opening themselves up to experiencing these kinds of problems later on in life. It is one of the reasons to stay fit. If you are exceptionally big, you can't fit into average clothing or average anything. If you are over 6 feet tall, good luck fitting into a Lamborghini Countach, which is an Italian car, made for Italians, who tend to be short. I know, because I've seen one of these cars up close. If you are woman with exceptionally large ****s, you need to order custom bras.
Average size is how people mass produce everything. Furthermore, on a plane, more weight equals more fuel needed, ect. If someone carries on extra luggage, then that should cost more. If planes were made to accommodate the size of fat people as most of their passengers, than there would be fewer seats, and the plane tickets would be a lot more expensive. The laws of nature dictate that the human body needs to be no more than a certain percentage of body weight in order to be healthy. If the average body fat percentage of human beings increased dramatically, then the incidence of degenerative disease would greatly increase, with increased health care costs for all, greater insurance costs for all, with the inevitable extinction of the species, if said fatness were to continue species wide. That's the truth.
There could be airplanes made for overweight people, but is the demand there? It would be expensive. If the average airplane was made to accommodate overweight people, someone is going to pay for that. Who is going to pay? Since it costs the airline money, than the passengers would have to pay. That would mean that the cost of the tickets would have to increase. Is it fair to increase EVERYONE'S plane ticket costs, so that the obese people don't have to pay a proportionally larger sum of money for the ticket? No, that wouldn't be fair. The overweight people would have to pay. That means that without special seats, which would cost more for obese people, that especially obese people will have to pay for two seats. Frankly, I don't see a more logistically feasible way to handle the situation than that.
But wait, that's how it's done now!
I believe that heavy people should be treated equally and accommodated.
The voice of reason. I'd just adjust that to read 'people should be treated equally and accommodated'.

People start off making rules as guidelines. It's when people become too lazy or too an*l about those rules that problems like this occur. If all the airplane can carry is a certain weight, and they have time to weigh the baggage, they may just as well weigh the people boarding. Once that limit is reached, no more passengers, regardless of how many empty seats there may be. That'd be a safety issue. It ought to be about the people not the ability to allocate a seat. It's all ass about. What next? Are they going to demand two skinny people share a seat? I wouldn't be surprised.
What next? Are they going to demand two skinny people share a seat? I wouldn't be surprised.


If a person can't fit in one seat, then they need to buy the second one. It is equal treatment, because no one who has paid for a single seat is taking up more than one. It would be unequal to allow a person to take up two and only pay for one.

If they can fit, making them pay more is bull____.

But but but I'm skinny. I demand you only charge me half fare. There's room for one more here.
Have I got the custom bra for you.

The voice of reason. I'd just adjust that to read 'people should be treated equally and accommodated'.

People start off making rules as guidelines. It's when people become too lazy or too an*l about those rules that problems like this occur. If all the airplane can carry is a certain weight, and they have time to weigh the baggage, they may just as well weigh the people boarding. Once that limit is reached, no more passengers, regardless of how many empty seats there may be. That'd be a safety issue. It ought to be about the people not the ability to allocate a seat. It's all ass about. What next? Are they going to demand two skinny people share a seat? I wouldn't be surprised.

What did they do 20 or 30 years ago? Overweight people flew then and I don't recall there being a problem? All of the sudden....too many fat people, gotta pay more.

Or is it just not as many people flying and they need to keep their profits up? Price of fuel went up, gotta keep the profits up?

Just a question(s). :D
It would be my pleasure. Of course you could derive some pleasure from it also. Hey hey hey. :lol :banana

To your earlier post. Quite right. It's just a profit making excercise. It's blatant discrimination. One heart one ticket, regardless of size. Why aren't they charging the same price per person, as in why are children half price? So as not to alienate families. Another case of discrimination. It's a documented fact that people are becoming bigger. Airlines ought to keep pace with modern society. As the average size increases, so to ought the seat sizes. I can't back it up but they've probably reduced seat sizes over all these years.
do you think fat people or people who smoke should be charged the same health insurance rates as healthy people? is it discrimination if they aren't?
If you're asking me that question I'd have to say discrimination is a concept. One that perverts a justification more or less. To judge is to discriminate, and we a free to judge but not as free to discriminate.
i have no idea what you said but pretty sure it didn't answer the question. :lol

charging based on cost is the definition of fairness in the business world. we could probably use more of that at buffets, internet usage, what our taxes go to, etc.

the fact that companies are finally now doing it marks an improvement in fairness.
Unfortunatley life aint fair, I only feel sorry for people who have actual weight issues ie things they cant help, if youve been supersizing it for the last decade pony up for another ticket.

I have no sympathy for junkies, alcoholics, crack heads and the sort. Everyday we make choices, ones YOU should be only responsible for.