KFC's Double Down Sandwich

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My brother Marines should have given you a 21 Gun Salute!


:rock :rock :rock

That was later, when I went to the rest room.....:rotfl

On a serious note I salute you guys, what you sacrifice day in and day out to preserve our freedom and way of life is truly admirable. Words cannot express my gratitude.
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That was later, when I went to the rest room.....:rotfl

:lol :lol :lol

Makes you proud to be an American! :monkey2 Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light...

On a serious note I salute you guys, what you sacrifice day in and day out to preserve our freedom and way of life is truly admirable. Words cannot express my gratitude.

Thanks, Bro. Semper Fi! :hi5:
Tried the grilled version on Saturday. :yess:

Tasty and messy! I liked it better than my second original recipe (as that one was overwhelmed be the giant chicken fillet) but I think original is still gonna be better most of the time. Nice to have another option though.
I still think that if you put these exact same ingredients (chicken ,bacon and cheese) on a bun, no one would bat an eye. It would be more calories, but the presence of bread would suddenly make it OK.

And the same ingredients on a bun, but swapping out the white meat chicken for a fatty beef patty would be worse yet, but people eat bacon cheese burgers all the time.
I still think that if you put these exact same ingredients (chicken ,bacon and cheese) on a bun, no one would bat an eye. It would be more calories, but the presence of bread would suddenly make it OK.

And the same ingredients on a bun, but swapping out the white meat chicken for a fatty beef patty would be worse yet, but people eat bacon cheese burgers all the time.
I think you are wise.
Don't know how many of you have Taco Bell's within a KFC. Figured I'd throw a freebie your way. A free Limeade Sparkler drink from Taco Bell to wash down that Double Down:


I tried this coupon at my local Taco Bell (they were a stand-alone Taco Bell chain...not the one that combines KFC/Taco Bell in the same restaurant). Coupon worked.

Don't know how many of you have Taco Bell's within a KFC. Figured I'd throw a freebie your way. A free Limeade Sparkler drink from Taco Bell to wash down that Double Down:


I tried this coupon at my local Taco Bell (they were a stand-alone Taco Bell chain...not the one that combines KFC/Taco Bell in the same restaurant). Coupon worked.


Thanks! I just heard about this on TV.
Ok now these people have problems. :lol

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OMG!!!!!! I finally had myself a double down tonight. So damn good. Pitu's video of him eating it was no lie. OMG, omg, was what came out of my mouth. Love it!