Okay.... I decided to try the DD last night, months after the fact.
Let me preface the story with a little back ground. Monday my son had come down with a stomach virus. My wife was at the hospital with a good friend who was giving birth to her first child so it was just my son and I at home. Gabriel is a year and a half old and will often wake up in the middle of the night and cry in order to come to bed with us. Since it was just the two of us that night I grabbed him and brought him to bed with me at around 2:30. He proceeded to vomit all over me five times that night. I would wake up, bring him to the bathroom, clean us both up and go back to bed... this cycle repeated itself 5 times. Needless to say the next morning I was a zombie. I brought him to his Grandmother's where he puked on me again, of course this time I was dressed for work. My wife met us there and took Gabriel in to the Pediatrician to get checked out and was diagnosed with a stomach virus. I went home, changed, and was late for work... The next few days we simply kept him hydrated with pedialite and lots of water and watched to make sure his diaper was being wet on a regular basis to make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. Anyway, around Wednesday he was back to normal.
So on to the Double Down.... My wife wasn't going to be home till 9 last night so it was just going to be Gabriel and I again. So I pick Gabriel up, swing by KFC and grab a DD meal for myself and a kids meal for him. We get home and I cut up the piece of chicken for him, put him in his booster seat and we sit down to eat.
So I'm focused on the DD. Looks pretty good, chicken is crispy and not oily which is a plus in my book. I really enjoyed the thing. It might be the only one I ever have, but it was damn good. Anyway, I'm about half way though the Double Down when my son pushes his food away, which of course means he's through. I go to unbuckle his booster seat and suddenly I can tell that he's going to get sick.... I'm half way to the kitchen sink when he vomits all over the both of us. I'm lucky that we got to the tile so clean up of the floor would be easy.... The two of us on the other hand would not be.... Anyway, I cleaned chunks off our clothing, threw all the clothes in the washing machine and gave us both showers. I guess fried chicken was a bad choice for a little boy who was just getting over a stomach issue.... Definitely a few points against me in my bid for father of the year.

Sorry Gabriel, daddy wasn't thinking, son.
45 minutes later I got back down stairs to a half eaten, ice cold DD. After having chunks of half digested KFC splattered all over me I really couldn't see finishing the thing so I threw it away.
So there you have it, my first and only DD. Half eaten and enjoyed and half thrown away.... And further proof that I can be a supreme dumb ass.
Here's a pic of Gabe after:
He was a little wiped out after getting sick but woke up this morning in a great mood.