Well EMS is express so you get it quicker but it costs more.
Big bad toy store has it up now for $180 with it arriving in February.
Just seen that, I ordered one.
Thats a bit more than angloz. Is it worth it? How do preorders work with bbts? Can you cancel at anytime?
Probably about the same you'd spend on a custom and that's harder to do.
It's probably worth it for the body and gi. Could try get a custom hs done later down the line
Probably about the same you'd spend on a custom and that's harder to do.
It's probably worth it for the body and gi. Could try get a custom hs done later down the line
It is steep, but there isn't any other option to buy 1/6 SF.
I'm just glad they did Akuma first. I'm tired of seeing every SF line start out with Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, then sputter out.
The only gripe I have about this figure (which is just a personal gripe) is that I wish the gi was brown. Beggars can't be choosers.