At least we know we got a Ryu and Ken coming. Sure they're not based off the animated film, but I like their looks.

At least we know we got a Ryu and Ken coming. Sure they're not based off the animated film, but I like their looks.
Shouldn't be too hard. Even painting up his hair wouldn't be a problem either.
Why brown? A fan of him in an alt color?
Akuma's gi was always meant to be dark grey/light black, but some of his artwork, especially starting with Alpha 2 had him in bright blue and it just kind of stuck for some reason. Just like Venom from Marvel, colored blue for the light reflecting off. Most artwork you find of Akuma will have him in dark grey/black. Here's just a few examples of him wearing black and blue:
First appearance (Super Street Fighter II Turbo):
Street Fighter III: Second Impact:
Capcom vs SNK 1 and 2:
Marvel vs. Capcom 3:
Street Fighter Alpha 3:
Street Fighter IV has him grey in art, blue in game:
I acknowledge that they are going for the SFIV look (bein blue and all), but it's just a preference.
By the way, in the art that has been used for years in SF, yeah the gi looks blue. But ultimately it's suppose to suggest that it is in fact dark grey. If they did use grey instead of blue, their art would come across as drab, or black and white.
But once again, my preference is the player 2 brown, or player 1 grey.
I'll take what I can get and smile about the blue for now. I just hope this one comes out on time.....
S'ok, I had a friend that liked Ken in Yellow, and for the longest time I preferred Ryu in dark green. If you do change his gi, make sure to show us in this thread!
Anybody else gettin this one?