As a dude, I like the sexiness. As a slightly educated person with some religion agenda, shouldn't she be super non sexual? It sounds like she's almost an angel. Just what I got off of it.
Sexy is sexy bro. It's all that counts in life

And a bit anime-ish; agreed.
Queen of the Dead is so sexy. Whether people agree with it or not! To all my QoTD haters: a PSA from Rocket
Don't know anything about RS and Vampi, and hell yeah they vibe off as super sexy. No denying my friend.
I don't want to hump my statues. I view all the females as art. I love my MJ and Gwen because I love the characters and symbolic gestures behind them. I love my Scarlet Witch comi because it's cute. I only got Ivy and HQ because I am a big Bats fan. Only piece I'm grabbing that is overly sexy is Power Girl and she's meant to be that.
Subconsciously sex is deviated in the art. Whether people agree or disagree.
Hahah inappropriate staring! I've caught my friend eyeing Scarlet Witch's ****s on more than one occasion lol