No EX. Mask is either removable or its a CoH. (I think its a CoH)
Nice. Just pre-ordered mine!
No EX. Mask is either removable or its a CoH. (I think its a CoH)
WOW!!! I just discovered this PF today...I'm a new collector so not yet aware of all the lines and have seen a few of the COTD statues before but wasn't very impressed....
but THIS........OMFG. She is AMAZING.
I just pre-ordered her 10 minutes after discovering her existence.
I hope she doesn't get delayed a 4th time....
This along with the upcoming Red Sonja are the two most amazing statues I've seen so far.
The wait begins!
My biggest worry is the blue coming out of the skull taking the shape of souls. Its super subtle but really gives it that extra 10% so many statues lack. I can see it being a nightmare in production or just removed from the final product. Couldn't tell from your pics, which again are awesome.
Since it's been delayed, I believe they will honor a refund.Would they refund the NRD and all flex payments due to the recurring delays? Im about over the excitement of this line.
That's one of the problems. All the hype and interest generated from the proto gets lost before you even get the actual production piece.I really thought by now I'd own 3 of these maybe waiting on the forth to show up soon, but I still only have one. The never ending delays on these are killing this line. They still have to put up 6 or 7 more statues before we're done with this line and I can't imagine that happening quickly. Just bummed cause when this was announced they showed us all of them which I thought would lead to mass preorders. Now we just sit and wait, hoping this line won't take 10 years till it's finished.
So then the question is, stick with this line or cancel and save my money? I'm a patient man but I still have my limits.