I'm worried about the merchandise for this series. Ryuuko and Mako placed first and second place on current most popular anime females in a survey conducted through a magazine in Japan so I know those two will get figures, but honestly Kill la Kill is full of great characters. Gamagoori and Ragyo and Mako are my favorites and I am already skeptical of anyone aside from Satsuki, Mako, and Ryuuko getting good stuff.
I really want Gamagoori to get something. He would be so fun to work with especially if they make him huge. We need an oversized Nendo, an oversized Figma, and actual statues. Honestly I don't mind the other three Deva not getting anything though

They're cool, but no where near as great as Gamagoori.
I'm hoping Medicom delivers. If they can do the Deva I think people will go crazy and definitely preorder especially if no other company announces them.