Wow I want that Cap suit!
You get me the Iron Man suit AND the Apoc. PF....and MAYBE, just MAYBE....I'll get you Captain's Suit here....and by suit, I may a piece of one of the gloves....that they threw out....that failed QC standards....
Haha I'm actually going to get one of those Cap suits. Birthday present to myself in a couple months
Darn you!!! Let me know what you think when it arrives.
Random question: But do they off various sizes on these or is it one of those 'here's what we off - you either fit or don't'?
Looks like they offer different sizes based on what I see on Ebay. If not I wouldn't be getting one lol luckily by the time I have the money they should be available
There's got to be some strategy when buying this then, if you ever do decide to sell. I mean unless you plan on cosplaying, I'd be getting the most common size for an adult - I'm assuming Large (or if not, Medium). I'd go with Large to be able to display it on a mannequin.
Yea I'm a large in mostly everything. Mediums in shorts but large can work too. Always size up when it comes to costumes though. This will be one of my convention staples. Also working on a few other cosplays I hopd to debut next year
Dang, it's the convention circuit? Sounds awesome. I don't cosplay, but use to hit a lot of conventions up. Haven't been in over a year now. I'm eye SDCC though for my next one.
We do the big ones here every year. Mega con, Tampa con etc. SDCC is a bucket list con. Next year it'll be Star Wars Celebration and maybe even Dragoncon. Can't wait!
Are you from Florida? I used to live there and hit all of those religiously. Loved them so much.