Killzone 3?

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The last game was criminally ignored by too many PS3 owners.

Both Killzone games were ignored by too many gamers. And both are worthy of phrase.

It didn't really live up to the hype IMO. It was an excellent graphicsfest, but everything else kind of fell flat from the level design to the MP. I didn't play the MP for more than a couple of weeks, but I'm not the only person around here that thought it was forgettable at best.

Oh man multiplayer was so goooddd! The atmosphere of the levels was some of the best I've have ever experienced. It was so fun. Behind MW, it totally ranks up there with the best of them. It's nothing groundbreaking but the multiplayer had so many solid modes, and class options that were a blast to behold.
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But the hype was met by one of the best games of the year, if your just going to rent this I feel bad for ya.

No true gamer says "meh" to a potential GOTY and no doubt on the best shooters around.