Re: Kong: Skull Island
This movie looks like it takes after Predator...
I felt the story in godzilla was lazy and safe. Maybe they expected the actors to carry it but they got rid of their best one so early. I would have loved godzilla to have been darker, more tragic. Every rebirth of his in cinema tends to be except for the American ones and as a result it doesn't feel as high stakes as some of the classics. The line from the military guy said it best..."we are monster hunters now"...and he said it as calmly as I just typed it. When godzilla hit the land their should gave been absolute dread, terror, helplessness. Kong has more of that in the trailer and he's less than one third the size.This movie looks like it takes after Predator, where they really put a lot of thought and work into making the characters interesting as you go on the journey with them.
I thought Godzilla was going to be a journey film, but it wasn't, not sure how you would describe the story, but it was one that didn't necessarily offer opportunity for fun characters, it bounced around to too many different characters and never lingered on any of them long enough.