Got mine and not sure if I am going to keep it.
Chalky.. you will have to break the arms of the statues to do so...
Chalky.. you will have to break the arms of the statues to do so...
OK a little help here...
Should I cancel SS exclusive Henry Jones
to pick up KOTCS premium Indy?
Or stay with Henry
Nope. It's just a little too much for me this month.
I was mainly a 1/6th guy but I recently started down the PF road with my first (Indy PF, may be one of my favorite pieces), I am thinking about switching over to PF's only.
But I think I may regret canceling Henry.
I like this KOTCS PF a lot more than I ever imagined. This pic from M@DRE is amazing!
Henry looks good and I like the exclusive.
Do you think the PF will still be around? It had a pretty low number. By my count there are 1,600 of them b/t reg & ex + flex
There are only 800. 500 regular and 300 exclusive.
You will probably be able to get the regular down the road but I bet if you get on the wait list of either the regular or exclusive it will probably convert.
Has anybody tried swapping the head with the Raiders Indy PF?
Has anybody tried swapping the head with the Raiders Indy PF?