No, nothing that extreme. 'Faces decals are similar to temporary tattoos. You peal off the paper side, apply the decal where you want it (as a whole) and then carefull peel the reverse side off. With things like this I generally rub the the symbol into the fabric before peeling off the clear backing.That does look really good. Did you have to apply all the little gill things inside the emblem? If so ...that's crazy.
Nice! Is that a vinyl decal? How did you affix it?
The head is from Solider Story USMC WWII Machine Gunner (great sculpt!), the armor at least is from a Character Options Doctor Who Cyberman:
Decal by 'FACE. The fact that its 3D as apposed to stamp/tampo makes a world of difference.
I believe he made a new chest flap.
I believe he made a new chest flap.
Can you please share how you got the original decal off the jacket?
I want to remove the markings from mine, but i am wondering what you used to remove the original stamped decals.
Acetone. You have to do little bits at a time or it will destroy the pleather. Just do a couple wipes, rinse, and repeat.