The robot mode is just something else and honestly I don't really see myself even thinking about another Masterpiece-scaled Jazz until Takara announces one. I do wish that the alt. mode was more kibble-free for sure but it gets the job done. Review goes into much more depth but here are some pics from the gallery:
Overall it's a sick repaint and I love the included Target Master but just wish that damned shoulder adapter pegged on better. The full review goes a bit more in depth but here are some pics from the gallery section. Full thing is about 30 pics:
The full review goes in depth but overall I gave it a 9.5/10. The fit, finish, and playability just nail it on all parts. Feel free to check it out and here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
Burning Slug is a very straightforward piece in that it's well-done per Iron Factory's high standards but unlike the recently released Cygnus doesn't do anything that really changes the game. The review on site gives it a full break down and here are a few pics from the gallery:
This is one of the most bizarre productions runs I've ever seen for one of the best figures I've ever owned. The review linked gives the full breakdown but here are a few pics from the gallery:
Here's my personal favorite; a recreation of the House of M Chapter 3 "Doomsday" cover featuring Re:Edit 12 House of M Tony Stark as well:
This one was a fun one to break down as it's definitely a piece with its highs and lows. The review goes into good depth but overall I'd say it's a solid piece and good buy but not likely to be the last SideSwipe figure you'll purchase even if a better one is years out. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
Honestly it's a beautiful repaint of a beautiful looking and engineered figure. Check out the review itself for details but here are some pics from the gallery section: