You give yourself too much credit, thinking my comment was directed at you. I couldn't care less about what you do with your time, nor remembering who exactly posted what comment.
I just think that in general, this kind of impatient behavior is pathetic, and have the full right to express this opinion, regardless of if Your Royal Highness likes me posting comments, or not.
I have no idea I just remembered I had a Joker/Kylo mashup on my hard drive for some reason lol
That's pretty good, saved it
PS - Anyone remembers what was the original ETA when it first went up for preorder?
I really like this Kylo PF, but those pictures of it next to Vader do it no favors at all! Especially when you consider that the Vader PF is a good whack cheaper...
I like them both. I still like my Vader. I've always felt when I saw him he's just turned on his saber as he is eyeing his victim. Dumb pose yes as a pose to some extent but I thankfully like it a lot.
Kylo Ren I find is s perfect snapshot of him even if I couldn't find it in the movie.
I hated that movie ren was such a puss, I hope the next one he is bad ass like anakin in revenge of the sith. Because it sucks to have a character looks so bad ass but be the biggest ***** in film and whinny!
I think that's the first time I hear anyone refer to ROTS anakin (or prequel anakin for that matter) as a "badass."
People calling Sideshow because they can't wait few more days/weeks for a statue?
Oh, the Horror!!!
I think that's the first time I hear anyone refer to ROTS anakin (or prequel anakin for that matter) as a "badass."
I am sorry but revenge of the sith I thought was the best star wars by far. It was supper dark and the battles were epic, the acting was sub par but the action and saber battles well made up for it. I remember seeing it in the theater and was blown away. I also remember being at the theater for force awakens and both me and my friend fell asleep with how boring and bad it was. But people have their own opinions. However, even reading wiki about it revenge of the sith was considered one of the best if not the best. I have no problem saying that because it truly was a great film. You pple whom hate the prequels I never understood why. Yes the first two were not that good but the last made everything come together and those who hate Anakin are idiots that saber battle with obi one was the best battle in the history of star wars!! Given their were one or two bad parts with Vader yelling no. But that aside no star wars film was better in the aspect of saber skills and action and darkness. I thought Anakin was whinny in the second prequel. However, he well made up for that in rots. Its funny that a boring movie like the last star wars was praised so much. The action was atrocious and the light saber battles were a joke. Ren was by far the worst sith to date so far. I really hope that changes because his character looks pretty cool. It is funny, usually people go to the movies to be entertained not fall asleep. I know pple will get offended by me saying this but it is what it is and it was what it was lol! How isn't he a bad as??? He killed so many people in rots. Wow ren killed his dad in a stupid ass way dude had no saber skills or power! Ray beat his ass and she isn't even a jedi!
I am sorry but revenge of the sith I thought was the best star wars by far. It was supper dark and the battles were epic, the acting was sub par but the action and saber battles well made up for it. I remember seeing it in the theater and was blown away. I also remember being at the theater for force awakens and both me and my friend fell asleep with how boring and bad it was. But people have their own opinions. However, even reading wiki about it revenge of the sith was considered one of the best if not the best. I have no problem saying that because it truly was a great film. You pple whom hate the prequels I never understood why. Yes the first two were not that good but the last made everything come together and those who hate Anakin are idiots that saber battle with obi one was the best battle in the history of star wars!! Given their were one or two bad parts with Vader yelling no. But that aside no star wars film was better in the aspect of saber skills and action and darkness. I thought Anakin was whinny in the second prequel. However, he well made up for that in rots. Its funny that a boring movie like the last star wars was praised so much. The action was atrocious and the light saber battles were a joke. Ren was by far the worst sith to date so far. I really hope that changes because his character looks pretty cool. It is funny, usually people go to the movies to be entertained not fall asleep. I know pple will get offended by me saying this but it is what it is and it was what it was lol! How isn't he a bad as??? He killed so many people in rots. Wow ren killed his dad in a stupid ass way dude had no saber skills or power! Ray beat his ass and she isn't even a jedi!