ThanksAWESOME display my friend
Sorry to hear the tree is dead. But you might try to find a plastic tree to fill in the space. Even without any tree the display is killer
Una lastima lo del árbol electro. Estaré esperando para ver como queda el nuevo diorama
Fantastic LOTR scenery display. Pure awesomeness :eek
Sorry to hear about the tree. But your plans about improving the display by adding water fall and stuff sound very interesting. It will surely make it even more badass. Good luck with it mate
honestly the diorama looks better without the tree
You did an excellent job on the lotr diorama. Congrats
Joder amigo,tu casa ya no parece tal,eso ya es un museo tio,que pasada,me encanta,enhorabuena por ese bustito jajajaajajajaja.
Great Thor Score and Pic's; Electro, and Great Additions to the Collection
Oh yeah electro!!! I don't know how, but with each addition, your collection grows best and best and best and...
Eres el amo tío, me encanta ese busto...y, y...¡¡Vendeme al lurtz tío!!
Great acquisition my friend
Awesome Haul my friend
thanks for your comment sarvesh
I have now crossed the barrier as a collector I never thought that would transfer .....
a house full of figures
I feel you have crossed the barrier of Dream converting to Reality. Which is great!! Congrats bud
talking about weather with donald...
finaly the bust in his place......
and a gift to my buddies from sideshow freaks
please enjoy