EXCELLENT!!! One day next year after getting the eFX TIE and Vader ANH helmet and after paying the medical bills a big LED screen will have to come to my room too.
Impressive homecinema!!!
Is that a projector screen? It looks really cool. I love the lighting of the whole room, and specially the PF section. I wish I had so many empty walls to put shells on.
Looks Great Electro, Congrats
Great Display Electro
Congrats on Aragorn PF; Electro
Nice Collection
Great pics, for the new acquisition
You should send this pic to Sideshow. Lo iban a flipar
Perfect pics....its the first time that i want to have a lotr statue!
Buenisimas fotos tio!! gran figura por cierto!
Vaya fotos tan buenas,asi da gusto ver una pieza.Enhorabuena hermano y tambien por la nueva linea que as abierto del señor de los anillos.Si te interesa un lurtz premium format ,lo tengo en venta
that pic in the wood is awesome