Lando Calrissian Processing Notice!

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me too. i think Lando will be a easy to get figure on the secondary market.
it's just that little mic. Not a must have ex, imo.
it's just that little mic. Not a must have ex, imo.

Yeah, but it's like the only thing he really did touch or hold in the movie.

There's been such a clamoring for this guy I just couldn't dump him. Plus, he's a key character in the OT, so that sells him for me.

The ANH Seven plus Lando and Yoda for me. I'll skip Wicket W. Warrick. What's the "W" for anyway? :lol
And how many of you guys canceling posted in the other Lando thread about, "If SS made a Lando, I'd be all over him like a fat kid on cake!" pretty much begging them to make the dude?
This will be my first 12" Lando ever, never saw a Hasbro one in stores and never thought they looked good enough to pursue on the secondary market.

I'm still hoping to see Skiff Lando someday, it's key to the Jabba setup.
And how many of you guys canceling posted in the other Lando thread about, "If SS made a Lando, I'd be all over him like a fat kid on cake!" pretty much begging them to make the dude?

It's typical.

Believe it or not, one day, there will be Chewie cancelations.

"Ewwwww. I don't like the way the hair lays. FAIL."

I'm keeping him. That's that.

Odd, this is also my last Star Wars pre-order. I have been cutting back on my collecting, but this is strange. I guess I'm just not a trooper guy.
And innevitable returns for QC issues, "I bent my Wookie."

And the pages upon pages of the same three questions:

"How are u guys combing the hair?"

"Shouldn't he be 15.2 inches tall instead of .4?"

And the fan favorite:

"Can you post a tutorial on that?"
Or....and admittedly I would be one to say it depending on the outcome,

"I knew the fake hair would look poor in production it should have been sculpted."

and on the reverse of that,

"I can't believe they went with sculpted hair, fake hair would have been so much better."

And don't forget the drive-by comments like:

"Looks more like a tall Ewok. FAIL."

"Looks like a chiapet...a Chew-apet."

"Hasbro did it better 10 years ago for $20."

And the fan favorite:

"Why doesn't SS just hand the license over to HT already?"
My Colt 45 will be waiting.

Once he ships, I will have zero SW figures on preorder.

Same here... Not much I am excited in the SW 1:6 pipeline after Lando. Hopefully Spooktacular yields some interesting announcements.
I won't have any pre-orders for 1/6 SW either after Lando... that is odd :lol

Although, most likely I'll be adding the new Sandtrooper, so there should be the one. Not to mention having the 1:1 Vader Bust and Rancor Dio :lol
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