Left 4 Dead

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I got on late yesterday and tried a bit of survival, but not enough to get a full grasp of the new mode. I'll be on tonight to give it another go.

Are the new maps only going to be available for Survival?

I will play tonight if you need a potnar!
I got on late yesterday and tried a bit of survival, but not enough to get a full grasp of the new mode. I'll be on tonight to give it another go.

Are the new maps only going to be available for Survival?

No, you can play them on versus as well.

Wofford, did you get 13 minutes on the Lighthouse map by being on the water heaters or some other way?

I believe someone on my friend's list got around 24 min. on that map. Not sure how he did it, though.

I would really like to play this game with the freaks again one of these days.
No, you can play them on versus as well.

Wofford, did you get 13 minutes on the Lighthouse map by being on the water heaters or some other way?

I believe someone on my friend's list got around 24 min. on that map. Not sure how he did it, though.

I would really like to play this game with the freaks again one of these days.

Yep. We would have made it longer probably but are player with the long range weapon went idle for a few seconds and we started getting smoked off from in front and after that it's lights out. We had 3 tanks in the room with us.
Damn, and I just sold my copy of L4D when all the goodies come! Oh well, I'm more of a single player guy anyways.
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i think a ripped outfit look would be good for all characters to make them look beaten down. But a almost completly nude character is a little much.
VERY nice. I was disappointed the first DLC was for Vs. only. I like Co op more. Nothing like listening to your friend scream as he gets jumped by a tank, and you watch him run around with his head cut off
Hell Yeah! I love this game. My friends and I just got the "What are you Trying to Prove" Achievement yesterday and were wondering what to do next.