Legalizing Drugs On The Horizon

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I don't smoke (pot or otherwise) because I don't want to get lung cancer. But that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed some 'special' brownies now and again ;)
Wonder how you made them Dusty. I always thought it was a waste of weed, I could never enjoy the taste of em. We would always force ourselves to eat them. Once a buddy forgot to remove the seeds. :slap
However the government has set up the FDA to keep the public "safe" from pharmaceuticals that haven't been proven harmless. How could heroin, meth and cocaine, which have no medicinal value at all, ever become legalized?
The same way that cigarettes and booze are legal, which are both terrible for health and have little or no medicinal value....

I expect drug legalization or decriminalization will have both positive and negative social effects. My guess is that usage would remain about the same, just undergo some demographic shifts.

One definite advantage would be the introduction of quality control to drug manufacture, which would make the drugs MUCH less dangerous for their users.

I'd personally be happy because then I would no longer have to screw with ridiculous controls on buying Sudafed, as meth labs would go away....
In any case, anyone who is making the argument that any "drug" (and this includes tobacco, alcohol, and the most commonly abused drug in this country, caffeine) is "harmless" is being disengenuous.

The questions should boil down to relative harm, and to whether the methods we're currently using for controls are effective at keeping the largest number of people as healthy as possible and whether the detrimental effects of those controls outweigh their benefits.

We're already being quite hypocritical keeping alcohol legal with its known health risks and dangers, so I feel it's best to focus on the pragmatic arguments for legalization on a case-by-case basis.

I feel that most people who decide they want drugs will find them; I am not sure how much this would change with legalization. I mean really, if we could certainly go down to the 7-11 and buy some smack tomorrow to go shoot up, who reading this would suddenly do so?

How much of the allure of doing drugs is because it's rebellious?
In any case, anyone who is making the argument that any "drug" (and this includes tobacco, alcohol, and the most commonly abused drug in this country, caffeine) is "harmless" is being disengenuous.

The questions should boil down to relative harm, and to whether the methods we're currently using for controls are effective at keeping the largest number of people as healthy as possible and whether the detrimental effects of those controls outweigh their benefits.

We're already being quite hypocritical keeping alcohol legal with its known health risks and dangers, so I feel it's best to focus on the pragmatic arguments for legalization on a case-by-case basis.

I feel that most people who decide they want drugs will find them; I am not sure how much this would change with legalization. I mean really, if we could certainly go down to the 7-11 and buy some smack tomorrow to go shoot up, who reading this would suddenly do so?

How much of the allure of doing drugs is because it's rebellious?

:lecture :lecture :lecture right on.
In any case, anyone who is making the argument that any "drug" (and this includes tobacco, alcohol, and the most commonly abused drug in this country, caffeine) is "harmless" is being disengenuous.

The questions should boil down to relative harm, and to whether the methods we're currently using for controls are effective at keeping the largest number of people as healthy as possible and whether the detrimental effects of those controls outweigh their benefits.

We're already being quite hypocritical keeping alcohol legal with its known health risks and dangers, so I feel it's best to focus on the pragmatic arguments for legalization on a case-by-case basis.

I feel that most people who decide they want drugs will find them; I am not sure how much this would change with legalization. I mean really, if we could certainly go down to the 7-11 and buy some smack tomorrow to go shoot up, who reading this would suddenly do so?

How much of the allure of doing drugs is because it's rebellious?

I'm with this guy. :lecture
I feel that most people who decide they want drugs will find them; I am not sure how much this would change with legalization. I mean really, if we could certainly go down to the 7-11 and buy some smack tomorrow to go shoot up, who reading this would suddenly do so?

How much of the allure of doing drugs is because it's rebellious?


I also think that one of the strongest arguments against legalization is probably 'the kids'... as adults we know the dangers and will avoid hard drugs (most of us anyway) whether legal or illegal. But I can understand the argument that if it's easier to get, kids will have easier access to it.

That's where parenting comes into play. And also, if the legalized drug is pretty expensive, what 12 year old kid is going to want to blow their cash on it? Whereas, the way it works now is that the pusher gives the kids some free hits to get them addicted and THEN they beg, kill and steal in order to get the cash to pay for more. If they never got those free hits in the first place, I think you've solved your problem right there.

Eh, it's all a moot point anyway - but it's fun to discuss!
I'd smoke whenever if it was legal. The fun to me, isnt the legal/illlegal stuff....
Well, it's legal in the State of California for "medical use", and it was recently announced that the Feds will no longer raid California dispensaries. There's a "pharmacy" right next to the 7-11 by my apartment.

Going to the store on the corner to get some weed? Already happening for some of us! Plus they have all the edibles you could ever want (cookies, butter, candy etc.. etc..) They even have a "claw w/teddy bears" vending machine, but instead of teddy bears it's light plastic bongs adn rolled up hats and t-shirts. :rock :rock

Only licensed medical users can go, the kids can't walk in off the street, and it's all very secured. But it is nice to be able to to it "legally" at a decent business without having to go to some dealers house or whatever and deal with that BS. I've had some pretty sketchy moment trying to score "dimes" and "nickel" in the barrio back in the 80's :lol :lol

I also think that one of the strongest arguments against legalization is probably 'the kids'... as adults we know the dangers and will avoid hard drugs (most of us anyway) whether legal or illegal.

Eh, it's all a moot point anyway - but it's fun to discuss!

I disagree the main concern against legalizing involves children usage. Kids doing drugs classifies a parenting issue without a doubt.

I care less what people do inside the confides of their home / yard (unless it involves children). Adults should be accountable for their own actions.

My problem with legalizing any drug comes from irresponsible users who move their drug use outside these boundaries. They become society's proble at that point which (stated why in early post) I have zero tolerance.
I dont parents told me to never do this, and all that....but they also taught me to think before I act. I mean, look, i'm a kid, im going to do what kids do. My parents are quite aware of that. But they have taught me well enough that I'll not do anything stupid. (And please, dont give me any weed = stupid thing.....)

Hell, I told my parents I was going to a party at 9 on a school night, they talked to me about drinking, told be to be responsible, not to go crazy on it. And I didnt. Hell, I didnt even drink.
When I was in HS there was a kid that grew his own and supplied the freshman class back in 1980. Its not like a leaf can come with a label so you know it was bought legitimately. There will be no revenue on it because even if most people won't grow it on an individual basis, there will be some young entrepreneur who will be willing to have a small crop for sale which will be MUCH cheaper than the official weed.
Come on, how many of drank Natural Light or any other dirt cheap beer? Look at the price of cigarettes these days! $6 a pack in Jersey these days. Someone will definitely undercut the taxed price.
It boils down to the fact that alcohol is bad and weed is bad. Both should be illegal, but thats not going to happen so are we better off with one or should we make it two forms of substances to abuse? Which will both be used concurrently incidentally since this isn't an either or scenario, people who drink also get high and vice versa.
And there are far more significant hypocrisies in this country besides which vice is legal and which isn't.
Booze is worse, and makes people mean. Weed is sorta bad, but makes people.....kewl....or chill. I dont think i've ever met a ^^^^^^^ stoner. I've met an ^^^^^^^...whom when stoned, was a nice dude....odd.
I dont parents told me to never do this, and all that....but they also taught me to think before I act. I mean, look, i'm a kid, im going to do what kids do. My parents are quite aware of that. But they have taught me well enough that I'll not do anything stupid. (And please, dont give me any weed = stupid thing.....)

Hell, I told my parents I was going to a party at 9 on a school night, they talked to me about drinking, told be to be responsible, not to go crazy on it. And I didnt. Hell, I didnt even drink.

How can anyone respond if you don't want to discuss weed = stupid.

It is illegal. If your caught with it or doing it would crush your parents. Even worse get caught with it in their house do you understand the consequences your parents will have to face?

I am glad they talked to you about drugs, not enough parents have that talk. What I see lacking from your part is caring, compassion or understanding how your actions could impact people in your life. Did your parents teach you about this or are you simply choosing to ignore their wishes. I get your 17 and life is coming at you fast, I hope for your sake and your parents everything stays status quo.
When I was in HS there was a kid that grew his own and supplied the freshman class back in 1980. Its not like a leaf can come with a label so you know it was bought legitimately. There will be no revenue on it because even if most people won't grow it on an individual basis, there will be some young entrepreneur who will be willing to have a small crop for sale which will be MUCH cheaper than the official weed.
Come on, how many of drank Natural Light or any other dirt cheap beer? Look at the price of cigarettes these days! $6 a pack in Jersey these days. Someone will definitely undercut the taxed price.
It boils down to the fact that alcohol is bad and weed is bad. Both should be illegal, but thats not going to happen so are we better off with one or should we make it two forms of substances to abuse? Which will both be used concurrently incidentally since this isn't an either or scenario, people who drink also get high and vice versa.
And there are far more significant hypocrisies in this country besides which vice is legal and which isn't.

That's kind of a generalization, eh?

It is possible to enjoy marijuana or alcohol without abusing it, or any real harm (moreso the marijuana than the alcohol IMO).

On the growing weed theory, it's already being proven wrong here in California. Medical users are allowed to grow weed (I can legally grow it if I want to according to my license), but the official dispensaries are where the business is at. Most growers now sell to the dispensaries instead of individual customers. At my local place, you go in and chose from usually over 20 different types of marijuana and hash. People are lazy and like being able to choose different stuff. The dispensaries actually compete with each other price-wise, I can actually get much better weed cheaper now than when I was buying $60 8th's illegaly.

I'm thinking times are much different now than back when you were in high school.
Mainly, I live a boring ass life. I got sick of being a goody goody. I even told my parents this. I said "Look, I might drink, I might do drugs...but its a part of life. Some times you need to take risks". If I go to jail, then thats my fault. But you know what? Thats the beauty of life. I was depressed for a long time, I was bored...lonely....I never did anything, I couldnt participate in the activities my friends were doing because I listened to my parents. Not that its a bad thing....but I did have a long talk with my parents about responsibilty, and all that. But still.

If I just waited around and watched the world around me spin, i'd be depressed and lonely like I was before.

And I dont want you to say "Weed = Stupid" because regardless, that arguement is boring. :lol
Mainly, I live a boring ass life. I got sick of being a goody goody. I even told my parents this. I said "Look, I might drink, I might do drugs...but its a part of life. Some times you need to take risks". If I go to jail, then thats my fault. But you know what? Thats the beauty of life. I was depressed for a long time, I was bored...lonely....I never did anything, I couldnt participate in the activities my friends were doing because I listened to my parents. Not that its a bad thing....but I did have a long talk with my parents about responsibilty, and all that. But still.

If I just waited around and watched the world around me spin, i'd be depressed and lonely like I was before.

And I dont want you to say "Weed = Stupid" because regardless, that arguement is boring. :lol

Well put dude, don't let anyone's preaching get you down. It's OK to experience life and find out what stuff is really about, especially at your age.

I'm actually glad I got as F'd up as I did when I was a teen because I got it out of system before I could really do any harm. Plus, you need to really have a hangover to know what it feels like (and make you not want to have one again :lol)
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