See, in my case, I sold off all but 2 or 3 of my Weta pieces (the select few I had, which included some of the fellowship), so i'm quite excited about this line, as I can pick up these characters i love in this format again, but with today's quality.
Guru's "I'm not really expecting 'today's quality' to be that much different" comment was in direct reference to the new maquette line. My comment was a direct response to his and referred only to the maquette line.
And like I said before, comparing statues of a significantly different scale is pointless. There is no way a sculptor, even one as good as Trevor, can do as much [detail-wise] with a 1/9 scale statue as he can with a 1/6 scale statue. That doesn't necessarily mean a statue of larger scale will always turn out better, nor did I ever say it would. Obviously if the sculptor fails to capture the likeness of the character in question, all the additional detailing in the world isn't going to help. In the cases of the Galadriel and GTW PF's I would absolutely agree with you that bigger is not necessarily better. In the case of the Moria Orc, that is where we part ways. I actually own all three and the intricate detailing of the PF is superior IMO, to that of the SSW versions. And I am not referring to the horrific red pleather, I am specifically referring to the quality of the sculpt itself.
The main point of my comment was in relation to Anubis about 'todays quality' and then of course yours woodsy with "
I'd say from everything we've seen far "today's quality" is not only different, it's completely destroying the quality of yesterday."
Now sure, comparing 1/9th to 1/6th isn't fair, but from a shipping LOTR pure polystone statue point of view, that's all we have from SS at this point.
Now while the new Aragorn maquette does look very good, '
completely destroying the quality of yesterday' just isn't the case. I had a closer look at my SSW statues this morning in a bright sunlit room and frankly, many of them are pretty darn good. The fine detail in Gandalf the Grey's beard and even the face overall (sure the hair and paint is then a bit thick, nothings perfect), but then you have the detail on his belt, the strap of his bag, etc.
The likeness and detail of Gimli's face, not to mention the general clothing, weapons, etc of both Gimli and Legolas. I then had a closer look at my Aragorn at the Black Gates, and yes, the face is very nicely done, fine detail in the beard, tones of paint in the face and I still say it's not a half bad likeness. Then of course you have Sam & Bill, well, enough said, no matter what, SS aren't going to top that.
As such, while I'm sure you can get some improvements in various area's, be it likeness or just a better pose, for stuff that is all still mass produced in china, completely destroying yesterday quality just isn't going to happen and in fact, given past QC issues of various types, SS is going to have to keep a close eye on it all.
My main hope for the maquette line is to get characters we didn't get or major improvements on the ones we did (yes, Arwen would be a prime candidate), but other then that, I guess I'm just saying lets not throw out the baby with the bath water and just write past Weta piece's off just because SS are starting a new 1/6th scale poly line that has promise.
On a minor side note, I wouldn't say there is no way you can get as much detail at smaller scales. Now, as an owner of the QMx Serenity replica, the detail on that is just amazing, I go cross-eye trying to focus up close on some of the detail that looking at it from a foot away, you just can't see. But yes, totally different ballpark from a price and production point of view, I'm just saying, it is possible