Leia's Boushh helmet

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Alice Adrenochrome

Super Freak
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Off-World Colony
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Has anyone noticed the famous number "1138" on the side of Leia's Boushh helmet?
I wonder if it's a 'personal touch' by SSC's Andy, or if this was part of the original design for this SW requisite.

Check out this new little feature on the SSC site:
I like it, make's things more clear. So far, they have only used it on Leia.

Actually, this was mentioned in another thread and even Andy B said he hadn't noticed the 1138 helmet etching before...
Ok, missed that!

Edit: So if Andy doesn't know, I can only conclude it was part of the original design, or someone in China thought it was a good idea to put that number on the helmet...
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Yeah every Star Wars movie except ROTJ had a reference to 1138 in it, thats what everyone thought. Until Sideshow found what not one else in the world knew that 1138 was on Boushh helmet. They have offically made Star Wars history with the line now by finding that little number on the helmet.
jason2885 said:
Yeah every Star Wars movie except ROTJ had a reference to 1138 in it, thats what everyone thought. Until Sideshow found what not one else in the world knew that 1138 was on Boushh helmet. They have offically made Star Wars history with the line now by finding that little number on the helmet.
Officially? :rolleyes:
I thought that was just so odd that this happened I just read a few days ago that all the movies except ROTJ had a 1138 reference, but now it does, so they officially made Star Wars history by being the first in 23 years to find 1138 in ROTJ :D
Source Wookieepedia

Episode I:
In the scene where the battle droids are defunct, one of them has a symbol that looks like the numbers 1138 on its back
When Queen Amidala looks out of the window, seeing Trade Federation troops overwhelm Theed, one of the pillar bears the infamous 'THX 1138' scrawl.

Episode II: In the scene where Mace Windu says "Pilot, land in that assembly area!" and one of the clone troopers says "Yes, sir" back to him, the number 1138 is on the back of his neck, but it is too small to be on screen.
Some have said that the sand marks made by Padmé Amidala when she falls out of the Republic Gunship look like the number 1138. While the two ones are clearly visible, the three and eight can be argued.
Others have said that the droid piloting Count Dooku's ship away from the Jedi says "1138". However, sound editor Ben Burtt has stated that FA-4's dialogue was designed as gibberish, and doesn't actually mean anything
Highlighting the 'THX' logo on the DVD menu and typing '1138' on the remote control brings you a blooper reel from the making of Attack of the Clones.

Episode III: 1138 is the code number of clone trooper commander Bacara
Highlighting the 'THX' logo on the Episode III DVD menu and typing '1138' on the remote control skips to a scene of Yoda breakdancing.
The Venator Star Destroyer is 1,138 meters in length.

Episode IV: 1138 is the number of a cell block on the Death Star; The Stormtrooper suit Luke Skywalker stole in the Death Star belongs to TK-421, but was scripted as THX 1138.

Episode V: In an approximation of the 1138 meme, Carlist Rieekan issues the following order: "Send Rogues 10 and 11 to Station 3-8"
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jason2885 said:
I thought that was just so odd that this happened I just read a few days ago that all the movies except ROTJ had a 1138 reference, but now it does, so they officially made Star Wars history by being the first in 23 years to find 1138 in ROTJ :D
Anyone post a screen capture from ROTJ that I haven't seen which actually shows it on the helmet? I think it is just a gesture done as a tribute to the movies. Until I see otherwise I aint buying--- but it is cool. :cool:
I just watched ROTJ looking for it, but it's not on her helmet. A lot of the shots of her helmet are on the left side though, and not the right. If anyone sees it in the movie let us know.
This actually comes from archival images of the Boushh helmet prop from Lucasfilm... so it's real. SSC didn't discover it, but rather newer images from the LFL Archives that were provided to licensees. Even the Gentle Giant Boushh has it.
IrishJedi said:
This actually comes from archival images of the Boushh helmet prop from Lucasfilm... so it's real. SSC didn't discover it, but rather newer images from the LFL Archives that were provided to licensees. Even the Gentle Giant Boushh has it.
Someone scan this and post it. Till then I am filing this in the "urban myths" section.
Well here is a few more 1138 Star Wars references from film and EU from Wookieepedia
* 1138 was the number associated with Star Wars and various other George Lucas projects, honoring his first film (THX 1138).
* 1138 was the designation for the clone commander Bacara.
* 1138 was the the number of the Separatist bioweapon that devastated Honoghr.
* Cell Block 1138 allegedly was a detention block aboard the first Death Star from which Luke Skywalker and Han Solo claimed to be transferring Chewbacca as a prisoner.
* 1138 was the designation for a Jedi Temple lightsaber training droid.
* DFS-1138 was a Vulture droid.
* 3B3-1138 was a droid of unknown classification.
* Corvette 1138 was a Corellian Corvette in operation during the Galactic Civil War.
* RC-1138 was a clone commando.
* THX-1138 is the designation of the stormtroopers in Galactic Battlegrounds.
* Spacestation 1138, a Trade Federation prison.
* 1138 was a stormtrooper on Corulag.
* THX-1138 was another stormtrooper.
* 1138 was the designation of a B-1 battle droid seen just after the destruction of the Droid Control Ship.
* 1-138 was the designation of an automated hauler.
* 1,138 BBY was a year 1,138 years before the Battle of Yavin.
* 1,138 ABY was a year 1,138 years after the Battle of Yavin.
* 138 ABY was a year 138 years after the Battle of Yavin, and 1,138 years after the Battle of Ruusan and the Ruusan Reformation.
* Unit 1138 Designation of AT-ST Chewbacca had stolen on the Battle of Endor
Gentle Giant Mini-Bust:


This shows 2 things:

1) GG's paint apps can't hold a candle to SSC's.


2) The "1138" has been there all along.
IrishJedi said:
Gentle Giant Mini-Bust:

This shows 2 things:

1) GG's paint apps can't hold a candle to SSC's.


2) The "1138" has been there all along.


2) It proves that its been there since Gentle Giant made their bust.

Show me actual archival photos of Leia's helmet. I want to believe. lol
IrishJedi said:
Gentle Giant Mini-Bust:


This shows 2 things:

1) GG's paint apps can't hold a candle to SSC's.

I don't like GG better than Sideshow, but I disagree. What are you basing that on?
Simple: I think the SSC Boushh helmet features much more detailed and realistic paint apps than GG's mini bust. I mean... it's not even close, imho.
IrishJedi said:
Simple: I think the SSC Boushh helmet features much more detailed and realistic paint apps than GG's mini bust. I mean... it's not even close, imho.
It is hard to compare since the GG is a bust and the SSC is a multi-media figure.... But I do prefer SSC paint job on the helmet to GG.:D