Super Freak
Les should have nothing but our continual support. It grates on my stones to think that anyone would be prioritizing a collectible customization over the health, mental and physical, of a human being... and Les is the exemplar of a good human being. He's gone through so much to improve the lives of those around him and constantly sacrificed himself in the service of others... and that INCLUDES those who are awaiting customs. For the love of God don't rush the man, even if you insist upon being selfish think of it like this - would you rather an artist of Les' caliber rush a project through to satisfy expediency, or pour the love and commitment that he prides himself on with all of his work? Do you want it done fast or do you want it done right? Speaking as someone who has also been run ragged with family health concerns this year himself, the very last thing that Les needs is people hassling him about "responsibilities". Are you kidding me? The man has been fulfilling, in a truly over-the-top fashion, every obligation that can be expected of him. FAMILY comes first. It should be something that anyone can grasp.