Thanks for this unsolicited but appreciated thread Josh.
I sure didn't expect to see this when I logged on today!
All I can say is
thanks. And that goes to all you with advice, terse, stern and critical as well. It can only serve me and others here. And of course, thanks to all you supporters of me and of custom works anywhere on this board. You guys are the best. I am truly humbled by your kind words.
To those of you that are business experts, well, obviously, I have a lot to learn.

But I will take your words under advisement.
As for my year, 2008 is over, and was a horrid year for me in so many ways, not least of which my pride, plans and hopes were continually dashed as I had to put growing family matters ahead of my beloved work, work that I would rather do that breathe, so know this was a hurtful time for me.
I do not take lightly the criticisms of those dejected with the delays on me, and on the return of their long awaited pieces in my care. Please know this, they are all in good care, and are in progress if not finished, and soon I will post what I can here, and mail what I can as soon as is possible.
As for donations to my cause, that is very kind, but I would rather sell or exchange for future credit towards work, as I don't want charity, but do VERY MUCH appreciate your kindnesses. Ma's chair was one thing, this is something else. No way I keep your works in exchange either! EVERYONE gets their stuff! But thanks nonetheless.
I will post more soon, and will address many of the criticisms as soon as I can. And for the moment, please remember that if you all email me in the next week or two for updates or personal info, I already have tons of photos to take, uploading to do, posts to make, notes to type, much less, a LOT more painting yet to do, so if I am spending time updating each and every person's single emails, that will take time from my updates and shipping, so please keep that in mind.
I will update you all here as best I can.
And again, an whole new format for my business is being set, by me, for me, and not subject to a blanket system of commissions, as such a system may not be one I can adhere to. Why? Because I live by my income from this work, and what applies to someone doing commissions on the side, cannot but limit my capacities when I need the money for supplies, shipping (to be better saved and used in future, I promise!) and other expenditures. I promise to weigh in all suggestions and come up with a system that not only helps me get my work done, within my slowly improving living conditions, in a better and more timely fashion, but also delivers to you, my present and future (I hope!

) customers, works you are satisfied with.
That is all I can say for now, but thanks so much all of you, and know I care more about your works than you do. I have to, it's my job to.
More soon.