Thanks. All are accounted for I think.
The September announcement is a ways off. I will update as it gets closer when I can. Interesting guess there Kabukiman.
In and out today, after yesterday's all Mom all the time stuff, and today am prepping for the immenent arrival of my sister's brood, so in and out to get supplies for them and groceries, etc., but am packing heads today and tonight for some shipouts tomorrow.
Good news though! Lots happening!

DOing my best to keep everyone updated.
Posts tomorrow and thoughout the weekend!
Added (Superman interest) : Getting a lot of PMs regarding some upgrades on Superman heads. I will try to address this soon. Clark Kent heads also. He is in production sculptwise, and will be posted soon.
I may can move some of the existing unpainted Supes heads into the painted group, we will work that out person by person, offsite (email me!) but for those wishing full out custom figure upgrades from heads, that haven't already ordered one from me already, I can't. Not at this point. I am committed to those figure ones already, and my resources are low for more Superman figures. I am considering not making any more Superman figures in future already, so please understand. I wish I could supply 50 or more, but simply cannot. I am sorry. But, to those with existing orders for a figure, I will update those as soon as I can. THanks for your patience.