One other quick comment regarding the shipping end of things.
Please note, that when I have shipped out a head or figure to you guys, I do not take personal responsibility of it while it is in the care of the US Postal Service! If it takes a few more days than the ones you guys think it should, BLAME THEM and not me. I have already had a member make somewhat threatening overtures to me if a mailed item doesn't reach them within the time frame they think it should.
I mailed out quite a few items before this President's day holiday weekend, and one member has quizzed me daily, Sunday and Monday included, as to why their item hasn't reached them yet. Things like that are out of my control. At least let them get it to you.
If after two work weeks time you don't recieve your item, ok, let me know so I can try again. But please, with all else I have on my plate, accepting responsibility for what a government institution does with the product while it is in route, is not, and cannot be my responsibility. That's just plain impossible. If I could afford overnight shipping to all, I would! Believe me! I want these to you too!
I hope all that makes sense. Best I can do. Needed to be said.
Thanks and please let me know when you get your stuff. Now, it means more to me now than ever.