Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
wow those jokers look great and i can't wait to see what those finished legolas' look like
wow those jokers look great and i can't wait to see what those finished legolas' look like
Les-Just wanted to see how Faramir was?
Faramir and another F head is on the bed of doom, right next to my workspace, in his box. I am starting on those within the next day or so.
Hey Doc, had to beat you to it!haha youre a mind reader les![]()
Les-Just wanted to see how Faramir was?
Sweet! Thanks ya sir!!![]()
Frodo and Sam, so you guys hang tight also...)
Looking forward to seeing those two, definitely two heads that didn't live up to their potential because of paint, don't think I've ever seen a full repaint of them, just Black Gate weathering work on top of the original eyes and all. Your work on Frodo should really make Tim's sculpt shine.
No, actually, you don't need to see it! Yet! I have some upcoming sales items on there too, so I want to save them til I post. then I might show where I can's sleep anymore.
Anyway, GOOD news front....
Here's LeeinMI's two Nicholson's FINALLY! (In the middle there...Should be shipping any time now Lee), and one that is Damian's (that and some figures coming to you within days also), and the redo on the right for EighthSamurai, so his are all done...just about... Might be a Ledger coming?
And LEON is almost done, as are the two Legs (Yes, Doc, LIGHTER hair! I know!), and some Reeves (YEAH! Finally!) and some Anis, and some other guys too. Hope to have all those, (Doc, you know your's are coming! Get ready for Medi-Luke!) and more ready to ship within the next day or so!
Til next shot(s) where you see the BED OF DOOM!![]()
Hmm, I think the paint work on Sam, Frodo, and Gandalf are some of the best SS has done. Certainly the best among the LotR line.
Sam and Gandalf look good, but Frodo's eyes suck, Les' will be immensely better.