Re: LES WALKER - All NEW Custom Works 2009
Great! Thanks Mobeill! I am looking forward to finishing those two for you. Being in a Bruce Lee mode at present, helps too. Not too long now.
Just did an updated count, and at present, with EVERYTHING going, including upcoming Mola Ram paints to come, I have
171 projects all going at one time.
Anyway, All the loose heads are out, or on my Bed of Doom and are being painted to some degree. I have started on some Bales and will do the Ledger Jokers in sets, Pencil Tricks first, and so on. Sorry to make some wait, but there is no other way until I get more caught up.
I hope to have a lot of these ready to ship within the week, as I have to clear off my desktop to be able to paint, so much has to go.
Also updated, I was running low on paint. So, I ordered more of what I needed, and remixed more of my fleshtones, from backup bottles of colors I did have on hand. I now am using 11 different fleshtones, more than I have ever used at one time, and work is going smoother than it has.
Indy folks, I am working on those as I can, some have bodies, and if you have sent me an Indy to work on, please feel free to email me with any details you want, if I don't have them already. I have gone through my work lists, updating and moving all finished and shipped works out from the lists, and that left only the Indys and still about 5 or 6 of the Joker variant choices to be chosen and defined. Much more than that of course, but those were the weak info areas.
I haven't had much time to post or check emails as I am hip deep in painting and shipping. I did take time like I said, to update my work list, and it helped me a bunch.
Superman guys, hang on, more heads being cast and dremeled.

Updates on those as soon as I can get to them.
More Reeve news soon. I think you guys will like it.
More Batman 1989 news also, and with some other members here, look for more fun coming from those areas also.
Again, Mola Ram folks, when Ryan sends me the heads to paint, I will work them in as best I can. We promise a quicker turnaround for those figures, so I will start on them as soon as I get them. Yes, while I am catching up on everything else. I hope to have about 75% of all this out of here by next weekend. I have to. My dad is working up to having prostate surgery, for cancer, so that will intervene sometime within the next three to four weeks, so I have to get this stuff out. Hence my self posed pressures, and stacked load, desk and bed, etc., so hang tight! I am getting a LOT done here and it feels GREAT!! Finished heads will be comiing in masses I am afraid. By that I mean, I hope I get time to photo singles more, before shipping out. I want to showcase any requested finished ones, like the Ducards and the Dr Whos, and many more. Anyway, Molas will be worked in as they come. No worries there. None at all. BMW works will flow and at this point, I forsee no delays with those.
I guess that covers most of my info for now. Sorry for lack of pics today, but I want to start posting finished works instead of the hoarde that is all over the place. You will want to see them done also, so it should be worth it.
Coming first will be, DrJediSiths's set, Gruff Old Bear's sets, Damian's sets, LOTR guys, Yes, that means those Aragorns and Faramirs too! and a lot more. These are all about done. As is
LEON! Enjoying the heck out of that one. Leon rules!
Since remixing my colors, I am having a blast. Much more fun. Plus, I think seeing the other great custom works posted here, Small's and Seb's and Josh's paintups and so many of the newer guy's like Serang and Zuno's makes me want to do even better. What an amazing lot of great works in here now. VERY inspiring!
Final sets of headpaints to come!
The Bed of Doom must be cleared!
Oh, and for what it's worth, I am sleeping better now. the other room is nicer, and it feels like I am getting away from the work at last. So now, when I come in here to work, it not only doesn't bother me that there is so much, but I am stoked each and every morning now!
Anyway, enough words.
Back to work!