BillyB's work MAKES this figure to me!

His attire work is part of why I am so glad I have this custom, and to have been a part of it's development. The shirt, was a back and forth collaboration between us, where he'd get a pattern, email me a pic, I didn't like it or the color, and back and forth. He got it printed finally, in scale, and a really great blue/grey, more to my liking anyway (Some say it's too blue still, but I like it). Whatever the case, he did an amazing job considering the access to resources he had.
He truly deserves accolades here. (LOVE the purple of the coat!!!

Also, wanted to mention, there has been some comment about the eyes and or paint on this head, and I want to mention that this head was painted well in advance of seeing the movie, and seeing Heath's performance and the character. In a word, I was painting blind a bit. I tried some stuff with the cracks in the makeup and some blends and things, but I am convinced that when I get to these again, and do the versions requested, that post movie viewing, I can capture even better, the character of the Joker. Especially in the eyes.
Many of you have seen my HT repaint, and in some ways, since it's Pencil Trick scene makeup is my favorite, now that I've seen the movie, I think I tapped more into Heath in that paint, and I am really stoked to see this effect on THIS set of heads. Cannot wait to do that. And do more eye work. Not all looking up or whatever.
But I am still proud of the paint, early as it was, and especially that Sean's extra closeup photography doesn't bring out details that make me look like a total hack. Thanks Sean. You really did some cool stuff with these. Utterly amazing lighting and posing. That in itself deserves a lot of kudos.