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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Me & My Print


You look like you just lost your puppy. :confused: That thing is way to nice to be that darn sad. :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Someone should fotoshop some dude humping Josh from behind...:lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

That is a really, really nice print Josh.:cool: Where did you get it?

Thanks!! Jerry V did a super job. Go check the LOTR section for your way to get this print.

You look like you just lost your puppy. :confused: That thing is way to nice to be that darn sad. :lol

Yeah, mom took some really goofy pics of me talking. Not that I don't look goofy enough as it is. :lol

P!TU love the avatar!!
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Sorry Josh, but that is a funny look on your face! :D

Beautiful print, btw.

And P!tu...:lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Sadly thats the best one she took. I was trying to explain the print at the time. So I look goofier than normal. :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Thanks you Josh coulndt have done it without you! Awesome Print by the way!
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Always glad to help P!TU! JDad laughed for a good 5 mins at it. Not sure what that means. :lol Thanks for the kind words on the print :duff

Ryan-Thanks! We have two of them and they're spoiled big time.