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Not sure if I posted a picture of myself here or not, but here's a fairly new one. Scary huh?

well I just found this thread again, figured I'd put up a pic or two. First is me at (obviously) my wedding in september, and then two days later in New York at the start of our coast-to-coast road trip across america.


Just thought I would join in the fun. I know I am fairly new, I have been a member of statue forum for 3 years now, anyways here I am in Italy

Only shading left on the chest, after that we'll start on the colors. Next sitting is in February, after all the holidays.

My wife is from Salerno, I've been to Positano and Amalfi many times, I love going there. Welcome to the board! Ciao!

We r from barletta, bari region. But positano and the amalfi coast is my fav place in this world
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