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I'm sure that I've already posted this but here you go...


go on then do your worst ! :lol
You're off your trolley !!! :lol

That's great ! There are some similarities. ( in the pictures) just taken from a bad angle I suppose ! :rotfl

I've looked again and I think its just the hair. I couldn't fly a plane to save myself !

You'll also have to learn to fence, write a book and front one of the greatest bands of all time, so no biggie there :lol

Did get to meet him a couple years back, he was in the Cro-Bar in London and had been doing his christmas shopping (had bags of Dr Who stuff) funny thing was he broke up a fight and was arguing the toss with this drunk guy who was wearing a jacket covered in Iron Maiden patches :lol
man, i should check this topic out more often. the girls' pics on here are surprisingly cute.
i just wish they were real pics and not posted by predatory old men.

oh, and this is me. i'm an undercover cop at a high school.

That's one helluva quiff you got there, boy.