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thanks guys!! and neil, I've been yelled at so many times its not funny, but I looked in on what you said about marion barber, gonna try it. they almost never let me run a dive or belly, they would give me screens and tosses. but my favorite is a counter.

Hey, good luck on your season man, I sure love to crack runningbacks...:D:banghead
thanks guys!! and neil, I've been yelled at so many times its not funny, but I looked in on what you said about marion barber, gonna try it. they almost never let me run a dive or belly, they would give me screens and tosses. but my favorite is a counter.

Here's a good video on-line that demonstrates the six pressure points (again-- the mind is the most important).


I've run a double-wing "O" for the last few years which has served us well (three straight finals with a championship and a perfect season in the last visit...finally :D) but you'd better believe that my B-back (or more commonly known as the fullback) has two hands on that ball for the first ten yards on every play. My C-back (which is my slippery speedster that does the counters) always gets big yards but even he gets rep'd with fumble drills in a big way. The problem I've got is my A-back (the workhorse) is so big that I can't get him to run low. He's 6'4" so when defenders hit him their helmets are almost always contacting with the ball.

Oh well... Just like SSC stuff, I could talk football all day long.:D

[Tiki Barber....not Marion. :D]
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Here's a good video on-line that demonstrates the six pressure points (again-- the mind is the most important).


I've run a double-wing "O" for the last few years which has served us well (three straight finals with a championship and a perfect season in the last visit...finally :D) but you'd better believe that my B-back (or more commonly known as the fullback) has two hands on that ball for the first ten yards on every play. My C-back (which is my slippery speedster that does the counters) always gets big yards but even he gets rep'd with fumble drills in a big way. The problem I've got is my A-back (the workhorse) is so big that I can't get him to run low. He's 6'4" so when defenders hit him their helmets are almost always contacting with the ball.

Oh well... Just like SSC stuff, I could talk football all day long.:D

[Tiki Barber....not Marion. :D]

Notice my screen name:D . Same name I use for all my forums(started with HS football forums). My local HS has been running it since 93' and our youth football teams also runs it. Smash mouth football.
I remember reading when Ven said he was playing highschool football and thinking "that skinny little guy?" :lol
Notice my screen name:D . Same name I use for all my forums(started with HS football forums). My local HS has been running it since 93' and our youth football teams also runs it. Smash mouth football.

:D Awesome! After our first two provincial finals (both loses with the second one being a 28-21 loss :monkey4) we decided to try the double-wing since our bantam team won the Maritime Championship with it. We had a perfect 7-0 regular season and we ended the season perfect with our first provincial title (third time was indeed the charm). We played twelve man football last year (10 man the previous few) and had an OK season but lost in the quarters to a much bigger school (our population is 700 while we regularly play against schools twice our size-- 1500+). We're back to 10-man this year and we should have a good shot at repeating as champions (10-man was shelved last season which is why we played 12-man... That's how many Canadian football uses). My entire "O" line is back including my power runner. I'm just missing a good starting QB (important I know but I'm converting one of my starting WR from last year) and a powerful B-back (full back). Defensively is a ol' other kettle of fish-- Got any LB's you could send?... Graduated all of them. My D-ends (three of them to choose from) are all monsters... One's 6'4", another 6'3", and the smallest is the toughest and he's just over 6'0".

I am however adding a single-wing shotgun spread "O" next season-- we're rep'n it now in clinics.
Am I in the right thread here? Let's see you? :dunno

Sorry. Conversations happen sometimes. Thread derailment by intelligent conversation rather than trolling or picture spamming... I'll give myself fifteen infractions. How's that?
That's drastic. Thread derailment is okay by me, it always comes back on topic. I just didn't know where I was. You mods just can't wait to hand out an infraction. I see the enticement in that. Is there a top mod comp going?
That's drastic. Thread derailment is okay by me, it always comes back on topic. I just didn't know where I was. You mods just can't wait to hand out an infraction. I see the enticement in that. Is there a top mod comp going?

:naughty If there is I'm certainly not winning. :lol

Apologies for the exuberance towards the sport of kings... Back to your regularly scheduled program. Pics anyone?...
holy dam I think I mus thave been smoking... marion barber never played for the colts, he played for the cowboys.. I don't know why I got him mixed up with addai