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I got fed up with it long, so I though ^^^^ it, I'll shave it off. :lol
feels so much cooler in this hot weather as well.
I got fed up with it long, so I though ^^^^ it, I'll shave it off. :lol
feels so much cooler in this hot weather as well.

Cool, I did the same thing... but it was about ten years ago.

Then you get everyone (well, a lot of people) saying 'hey, you look so much better', so you say "thanks, I musta looked crap before!'
yep , got that, "oh don't you look nice", and "Oh that suits you better". bastards! :lol
Here's a recent pic of me and my girl (she did not want to take a pic :D)at my best friends farewell party...


...with my boy Dee Nice2, who is moving away. :(
