Lets See YOU!!...........

Collector Freaks Forum

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Five infraction is an automatic 2 week ban. Does NO ONE READ THE FRICKIN' RULES?!

I don't care if i had 10 infractions..being handed a red card and banning for what i said, was harsh..considering i was not offending anyone, more or less it was a comment on how a user is going to be quite excited over a up coming product, there was no pun intended at all. The mod handling this apparently told me to delete this comment while i was offline..30mins later i get banned without even having the chance to know what it was for...lame.
Actually thats not what happened.If you don't want to get banned, don't get so many infractions.
Simple as.
If you want more information as Dave said, read the rules and behave accordingly.

Anyway, this is a 'lets see you thread' not a debate section about your situation.
x :peace
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Actually thats not what happened.If you don't want to get banned, don't get so many infractions.Simple as.
If you want more information as Dave said, read the rules and behave accordingly.

Anyway, this is a 'lets see you thread' not a debate section.
x :peace

Simple as..riiight...it is really not as easy as you make it sound, if you read the "rules".

I read the rules..my comment was very "PG-13" to todays standards..like i said not offensive at all.

And it was totally what happend..as i described.

Thats all i have say about it.
Anyhooo, lets try get back to the original thread, I like seeing piccies of my fellow freaks.:rock
x :wave
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Simple as..riiight...it is really not as easy as you make it sound, if you read the "rules".

I read the rules..my comment was very "PG-13" to todays standards..like i said not offensive at all.

And it was totally what happend..as i described.

Thats all i have say about it.

dude just be thankful they let you back, some of the things you've said and done have deserved an out right permaban IMO :D
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Sluggie that avatar is very disturbing :lol Where's Stewie gone??
x :wave

Its a hairless mole rat apparently :lol


disgusting :horror how dare you :mad: I find it quite cute actually :lol
I always thought bannishment meant you could never come back???
It depends on the situation buddy.
There are immediate permanent bannings for example spammers/scammers or people posting porn or threatening/harrassing another member etc

There are also the tiered bannings for people who receive multiple infractions for whatever reason.
If those infractions accumalate, then they will be banned as follows:

5 Infractions = 2 week ban
10 infractions = further 1 month ban
15 infractions = permanent ban

More info can be found here:

x :wave

Sluggie that avatar is very disturbing Where's Stewie gone??
x :wave

Its a hairless mole rat apparently :lol

disgusting :horror how dare you :mad: I find it quite cute actually :lol
Please read my post carefully before replying :lol :monkey3

I do find it disgusting and creepy anyway :lol
x :peace
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I don't care if i had 10 infractions..being handed a red card and banning for what i said, was harsh..considering i was not offending anyone, more or less it was a comment on how a user is going to be quite excited over a up coming product, there was no pun intended at all. The mod handling this apparently told me to delete this comment while i was offline..30mins later i get banned without even having the chance to know what it was for...lame.

I think you should take more pictures of yourself and relax. :lecture
I think you should take more pictures of yourself and relax. :lecture

I think you should take more really bad mocking pics of me. :D

dude just be thankful they let you back, some of the things you've said and done have deserved an out right permaban IMO :D

Thats your POV..you have no idea what i let slide all this time.

Thing is i just come to read up on new product, if i post a dozen pics..so what, you guys can be harsh with new people i must say..i think this time around i am pretty much going to go back to lurking for most of my time spent here.