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My girl and I =)

Your girl looks like such a sweetie and she has gorgeous eyes :D

I need to post more hot pics of myself for Bamboota...

You big tart :lol
What happened to the orgy?

I dressed up like Tom Cruise from Eyes Wide Shut just to come here and read this thread. :(
We went to a Silent Hill themed maze on Saturday, which was awesome, one of the best mazes I've ever been through. The costumes were great, the sets were very well done and creeped the hell outta me, they even had the sexy dead nurses and the giant blade from Pyramid Head coming at you! It was lots of fun.

Here is a pic they had us pose for prior to entering, the girls were nervous as hell.

Here's the before...


and after, when they made a loud ass bang and blasted us with some air. :D
