I honestly would have been happy to give my consent to be photoshopped, but that was assuming that it would be done responsibly.
The only problem I see with the getting consent option is that once a shopper is given free reign they can post whatever they want of that member regardless of how insulting or inappropriate it is.
In a perfect world I would just like to see anybody have the right to photoshop anybody else, with the assumption that all here know where to draw the line and use good judgment, and that everybody here has thick enough skin and great sense of humor, even when it's at their expense. Unfortunately, not only are some irresponsible, some are over sensitive. (You can include me in that if you wish.)
It seems that the best bet would be for each photoshop to be shown to the subject before posting.
For example maybe Shai has a religious aversion to ice cream or nathanial91 finds any depiction of the Sith to be offensive. No one knows what is gonna turn into a big issue.
Would it be too much to ask to say that if someone wants to photoshop another member that the picture gets an approval from the subject. Just shooting a quick PM would be pretty easy I think.
The only problem I see with the getting consent option is that once a shopper is given free reign they can post whatever they want of that member regardless of how insulting or inappropriate it is.
In a perfect world I would just like to see anybody have the right to photoshop anybody else, with the assumption that all here know where to draw the line and use good judgment, and that everybody here has thick enough skin and great sense of humor, even when it's at their expense. Unfortunately, not only are some irresponsible, some are over sensitive. (You can include me in that if you wish.)
It seems that the best bet would be for each photoshop to be shown to the subject before posting.
For example maybe Shai has a religious aversion to ice cream or nathanial91 finds any depiction of the Sith to be offensive. No one knows what is gonna turn into a big issue.
Would it be too much to ask to say that if someone wants to photoshop another member that the picture gets an approval from the subject. Just shooting a quick PM would be pretty easy I think.