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Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Well I now commit myself to the Freaks totally with this image:


Not a recent picture, I'd say 3 months ago? Gotta love my private bathroom at school though :lol :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

:lol Dont tempt me. When I get bored AND my camera has a battery in it, I can go picture crazy. I should actually take pictures of everything that's going to be delivered sometime this week. An extra Jedi Luke, my Medicom Alphonse and who knows what else.
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

New Year's Eve this year. I'm in the middle. That's my best friend's wife on the right, and my other best friend on the left.

Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Monk, you look alittle too much like Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange. Get a bowler hat, false eye lashes, and eyeball cufflinks and you're set. :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

You should've stopped with the first one. :lol

just kidding. its good to finally see what you actually look like Brother Ed. :cool:
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

Batty said:
Good to see you, Captain!

And it's alright to smile. :D

Hey now. Cap'n goes to BYU... Noone is allowed to smile there... ever... if you do, they whip you with soap and make you run around a gym with a marshmellow up your butt and if it falls out, they make you EAT IT. :lol
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

That last one wasn't supposed to be there so I deleted it.

And I told you they were bad pictures! But they're the only ones I have online, and I've gotten a ton of PM's now telling me to put up a pic, so I grabbed the only ones I have. Like I said, my friend will get me some good ones soon and you can see the happy, cheerful Captain Aldeggon--I PROMISE!!!
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

pixletwin said:
Hey now. Cap'n goes to BYU... Noone is allowed to smile there... ever... if you do, they whip you with soap and make you run around a gym with a marshmellow up your butt and if it falls out, they make you EAT IT. :lol

Hey now, those are fightin' words! Besides, we spell them "no one" and "marshmallow" here because we believe in education. They don't call me the King's spell-check for nothing. :rotfl

just kidding Pix you know you're my bro!
Re: What Do You Freaks Look Like ??????

pixletwin said:
Monk, you look alittle too much like Alex DeLarge from A Clockwork Orange. Get a bowler hat, false eye lashes, and eyeball cufflinks and you're set. :lol

Thanks to pixletwin, I now have that cheap Halloween costume idea I was looking for. :D :rock