test people?
its easy to sit there and downplay someone elses suffering when is not happening to you. Its a common human response, it only matters when it happens to YOU.
I did not have these symptoms before being exposed to the doll. I always had allergies, but they were under control, occasional sniffing in the morning, nothing serious.
Its frustrating because there is not much I can do about it. I've tried Claritin, it barely did anything, guess what, experienced tiredness, a bit dizziness, off feeling, had to discontinue. Sometimes I use benadryl before going to sleep, helps a little, but you can't use that in the day cause it makes you drowsy
Steroid nasal spray, turns out lowers your immune system and now I'm starting to get side effect from that too.
All I can do now is maybe nasal irrigation, saline nasal spray that barely does anything, I just have to suffer every day and hope it goes away one day