To be clear, I don't think the TOTS is great at all. In fact, I preordered both. I just remember doing a review on it and most at the time were dumping on it and touting how great the NECA was (bear in mind I don't think that most of them realized they were comparing a 5K doll

), and here we are over a year and a half later and still nada. No matter how this turns out (which I do believe it will be better), NECA still **** the bed on this whole deal, never fully admitting what they did and how much they screwed themselves, still to this day blaming Covid for the endless delays when we all know they bit off WAY more they can chew on this thing.
I remember back when they debued both dolls at the convention and after being called out for advertising 10k worth of dolls they pulled them from the display shelf the next day. From then on its been a downhill tumble.