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Oh I'm sure..I hate say I'm afraid I've offended him a couple of times already...but as an artist who is trying to sell a quality product feedback and constructive criticism is needed. I've mentioned I don't criticize to be mean but still it can hurt when you've given something your all only to have buyers be little disappointed.
Most artists welcome criticism as long as it's not being critical just for the sake of it. As long as it's constructive then I doubt he'd have an issue.

I thought the same pertaining to the detail on the head as opposed to the body itself. The head is much more to my liking.
It's a matter of tact, I suppose. It's not so much what one says, but how one says it, if you follow. And artists are notoriously sensitive about their work, yes?
True. Constructive criticism which still recognizes the talent required to create such art is always best.
Tact is quite hard to communicate while typing though.. :/

As artist myself most of my work has only to please me..if others enjoy it, that's secondary...most of the time. Projects done for others..well that's nerve wracking right there...toss in a budget and a schedule and I want to scream. ;)
It's a matter of tact, I suppose. It's not so much what one says, but how one says it, if you follow. And artists are notoriously sensitive about their work, yes?

It's really very important to take note that there is a difference between... CRITIQUING & CRITICIZING:

* To CRITIQUE: To review or To discuss or To Analyze or To review / commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature.

* To CRITICIZE: To evaluate without necessarily finding fault... however this word usually implies the expression of disapproval.

There may be a thin line separating the 2 but I believe there will be "less fights, less quarrels, & less miscommunications", especially in discussion forums like this, if we just keep them in mind.

So in short... it is better to give a "CRITIQUE" than to just "CRITICIZE". :)

It seems pretty obvious that the Oxmox pieces are heavily influenced by the Jurassic Park designs. Although even the JP Rex seems to have more accurate dentition in that image... Hm.

Actually, based on my conversations with Oxmox last year or so, these T-REX BUSTS were a project/commission they did for one of the largest DINOSAUR MUSEUM in the world (I forgot the name). So I guess accuracy-wise, they are exactly what you would see if we are living in prehistoric times or at least what you would see in Dinosaur museums.

For the Jurassic Park T-REX, I read somewhere before that they "changed or added or modified something in its design" which is typical for any SCI-FI films.... so they can call it their own.

So I guess if a collector wants the "real look" for a T-REX BUST, then OXMOX is the way to go. But if a collector wants the "real look also but with a hint of SCI-FI", then the JURASSIC design is the way to go.
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I can understand why one might assume that a museum-commission would be more authentic, but the Oxmox busts are not particularly "real" given their deviation from real tyrannosaur skulls. It's possible they got sloppier after their original commission, though.
Has anyone here gotten a commissioned piece by Shane Foulkes? Is the quality as good as prototype pics i've seen?

Dan's website shows some amazing sculpts, and I would like to know if Shane pulls off such awesome quality on all his pieces.
Shane's products are exactly what they look like. There are no "prototypes" with extra fluff, like a massive company might do.

Basically, it's all about the paint job. :D
And I recently found out from Blade, he adds the glass eyes as part of his build-up (they're not part of the standard, unassembled kit). Again, this is top priority after I win the lottery.
All those I've seen, anyway. But again, that's if you're willing to pay him to build the whole thing.

Not sure about the saliva, but.. probably yes. These days, even mass produced figures get a nice glossy sheen around the tongue. The SS pieces have 'em, right?
Still hoping for SS to do legendary scale dinosaur busts brimming with moisture, blood, and saliva. :D