Juan Valdez. He was bored.
Betty Crocker. Last ditch attempt to save her marriage.
Yes his name was Ug and continued to get a laugh everytime he said he ate Beaver and liked, never was able to continue past that and so he said screw it you guys get five.
Emo Cuttersmith was the first to try a tomato in a failed suicide after telling his friend Heinz, he was killed and the rest is history. The reason Tomatoes aren't in the wild anymore is because Birds are ^^^^^^^s and taking them all selling them to the Heinz Corporation.
Eli Postit was the first, he needed to take a message from a traveller who was passing through but missed his roommate. He did it with his hands and while he wasn't burned at the stake ironically gave the authorities a way to jot down who they wanted to burn a lot easier.
Blame the English.
I believe when assigning blame at SSC we are told by Dusty to just Blame Chris. Whether he had anything to do with it or not this is what is given to us via SSC themselves.
Yes you are too curious.
I think someone just broke my record.