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Coco the Cantankerous
CF Supporter
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
We finally got some rain where I live and there was some really cool lightning going on all this evening so I got some pics from our back yard.

How the hell do you photograph lightning!? Do you just start snapping away when it happens and get some pics or do you take a guess and just start snapping off pics hoping that lightning will strike!?

Incredible pics BTW.
How the hell do you photograph lightning!? Do you just start snapping away when it happens and get some pics or do you take a guess and just start snapping off pics hoping that lightning will strike!?

Incredible pics BTW.

A continuous shooting mode and an itchy trigger finger. :lol
I lived in Oklahoma for seven years and they did have some great lightning shows. Nice photos!
We finally got some rain where I live and there was some really cool lightning going on all this evening so I got some pics from our back yard.

Looks like it's setting the ground on fire :rock:rock:rock:rock

We don't get lightning in LA, that would probably scare the crap out of me :lol
I used to shoot lightning as a hobby. But I would use a HD camcorder and do screen grabs. It worked pretty well and I missed a hell of a lot fewer shots.

But those are great shots. The shots I got were of the cheesy weak-assed lightning here in the high desert in SoCal. I saw some of your OK lightning when I was working in Scammon KS and staying in Joplin MO. It was a dream come true but I didn't have time to shoot any.
Check out this cool looking ball lightning and thunder.

[ame=""]‪Ball Lightning Phenomenon‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]