Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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I find it pretty disheartening that people online and now apparently retailers are saying that there's no updates, that we are liars, that we have zero communication and are one of the worst brands out there.

It's true we've taken our time and spent 2 years completely redoing this figure and dealing with factory shutdowns and several major issues with previous factories, that's not just this figure it's all the other ones that are yet to be released and in order to make sure this gigantic second batch can ship this year we have given it first priority over everything else and I've tired my best to keep everyone updated but even then it seems like it's not enough and that I'm being implied as a liar for being hopeful about our schedule while I never once said that it's 100% coming at this or that date, this why companies like Hot Toys refuse to interact with people or give out any updates or release estimates, and we do keep retailers posted on progress despite some of them apparently telling costumers we do not and that we are one of the worst brands out there, if it's indeed true we will find out who is saying those things.

So in case anyone missed it, everything is finished and now we're taking it slow with QC and final assembly to make sure we avoid the problems we had last year, as collectors ourselves we know the waiting times suck but we'd rather release something that matches our standards and not rush something out just because some are angry they can't have their toy yet.
I’ve been thoroughly impressed with R_R_X and Limtoys. Very responsive to fans, even asking for creative input on Mr. Marston (or was it Milton?) and I’m one of the lucky ones that got an Arthur from the first batch- and he’s incredible which is why I ordered a second.

The QC stuff is real- My Arthur had a spur that needed fixing and had some accessories loose in the box. Thankfully nothing missing and I appreciate them taking the time to fine tune this stuff for the second release.

I think people are jumping the gun if they are being too critical of Lim. Waiting isn’t fun but figures that fall apart or pieces that never arrive are worse.
I find it pretty disheartening that people online and now apparently retailers are saying that there's no updates, that we are liars, that we have zero communication and are one of the worst brands out there.

It's true we've taken our time and spent 2 years completely redoing this figure and dealing with factory shutdowns and several major issues with previous factories, that's not just this figure it's all the other ones that are yet to be released and in order to make sure this gigantic second batch can ship this year we have given it first priority over everything else and I've tired my best to keep everyone updated but even then it seems like it's not enough and that I'm being implied as a liar for being hopeful about our schedule while I never once said that it's 100% coming at this or that date, this why companies like Hot Toys refuse to interact with people or give out any updates or release estimates, and we do keep retailers posted on progress despite some of them apparently telling costumers we do not and that we are one of the worst brands out there, if it's indeed true we will find out who is saying those things.

So in case anyone missed it, everything is finished and now we're taking it slow with QC and final assembly to make sure we avoid the problems we had last year, as collectors ourselves we know the waiting times suck but we'd rather release something that matches our standards and not rush something out just because some are angry they can't have their toy yet.
FYI, I don't think it's malicious on the retail side, at least in my experience. I think the employees have got two years of shell shock from having to tell everyone everything is delayed, & have just learned to be vague out of necessity. It's also possible that whatever communication they're getting from you isn't being sufficiently passed down, too, I suppose. Don't take too much of that to heart. Customer service workers are all understandably out of steam these days & polite evasion & non-specificity is probably a survival instinct by now.

& While I'd be lying if I said the delays aren't a bummer, I fully recognize you guys aren't anywhere close to alone. Companies a hundred times your size have had similar hurdles. (Mezco-cough-Batman '89)

I have every confidence that the figure will be worth the wait, painful as it is with friggin' glamour shots like the ones above tormenting us 😍.....Holy smokes. They hurt, but also keep them coming? 🤣

Anyway, I hope you know most of us are fully on board, & that you don't take the negativity or momentary venting too seriously. I think a lot of it is just that life has been pretty grim for awhile, & people don't have a lot to look forward to in between big figure & game releases sometimes, so some are taking delays harder than we might otherwise. (Myself included, but I also empathize with anyone trying to get mixed media product out right now). I've only had one product from you, but it was astounding, & I'm in for the long haul.
I find it pretty disheartening that people online and now apparently retailers are saying that there's no updates, that we are liars, that we have zero communication and are one of the worst brands out there.

It's true we've taken our time and spent 2 years completely redoing this figure and dealing with factory shutdowns and several major issues with previous factories, that's not just this figure it's all the other ones that are yet to be released and in order to make sure this gigantic second batch can ship this year we have given it first priority over everything else and I've tired my best to keep everyone updated but even then it seems like it's not enough and that I'm being implied as a liar for being hopeful about our schedule while I never once said that it's 100% coming at this or that date, this why companies like Hot Toys refuse to interact with people or give out any updates or release estimates, and we do keep retailers posted on progress despite some of them apparently telling costumers we do not and that we are one of the worst brands out there, if it's indeed true we will find out who is saying those things.

So in case anyone missed it, everything is finished and now we're taking it slow with QC and final assembly to make sure we avoid the problems we had last year, as collectors ourselves we know the waiting times suck but we'd rather release something that matches our standards and not rush something out just because some are angry they can't have their toy yet.
Don't need to worry about these people, he sounded like a classic hater, ''Giorgi guy'' was me into comment section telling him the facts, but obviously he wasn't listening. It is always better to wait and get as perfect figure as possible, than rushed product with quality issues. I think we are all adults in this hobby and have common sense about how hard producing 1/6 figures is. Quality takes time. Personally I'm grateful that we are getting second batch,as I missed it first time as many of us did, so thank you! :love :1-1:
Don't need to worry about these people, he sounded like a classic hater, ''Giorgi guy'' was me into comment section telling him the facts, but obviously he wasn't listening. It is always better to wait and get as perfect figure as possible, than rushed product with quality issues. I think we are all adults in this hobby and have common sense about how hard producing 1/6 figures is. Quality takes time. Personally I'm grateful that we are getting second batch,as I missed it first time as many of us did, so thank you! :love :1-1:
I didn't even see that guy's post, but you're totally right. With everything going on in the world it's a miracle when things AREN'T delayed, & rushing it & having the product be worse for it is hard to walk back or remedy once you do it. I was dying to get my hands on this thing months ago, so I get people being frustrated, but there are ways to express that without being abrasive or accusatory. If Lim was the ONLY company having these problems it might make more sense, but with very few exceptions, way late is the new normal & if stuff is months late from Hot Toys or Mezco, smaller companies usually won't be better off. I was legit shocked when my last couple of third party figures hit relatively close to their target.
I find it pretty disheartening that people online and now apparently retailers are saying that there's no updates, that we are liars, that we have zero communication and are one of the worst brands out there.

It's true we've taken our time and spent 2 years completely redoing this figure and dealing with factory shutdowns and several major issues with previous factories, that's not just this figure it's all the other ones that are yet to be released and in order to make sure this gigantic second batch can ship this year we have given it first priority over everything else and I've tired my best to keep everyone updated but even then it seems like it's not enough and that I'm being implied as a liar for being hopeful about our schedule while I never once said that it's 100% coming at this or that date, this why companies like Hot Toys refuse to interact with people or give out any updates or release estimates, and we do keep retailers posted on progress despite some of them apparently telling costumers we do not and that we are one of the worst brands out there, if it's indeed true we will find out who is saying those things.

So in case anyone missed it, everything is finished and now we're taking it slow with QC and final assembly to make sure we avoid the problems we had last year, as collectors ourselves we know the waiting times suck but we'd rather release something that matches our standards and not rush something out just because some are angry they can't have their toy yet.
They should be happy to get a second batch so they don't have to deal with crazy aftermarket prices but no... All they can do is complain about everything.

For me it's really tiresome so i can't imagine how frustrating it is to you and the rest of the team.

Just be sure that there's some of us that have full trust in you and that we love and really appreciate all the work you and the team does.
They should be happy to get a second batch so they don't have to deal with crazy aftermarket prices but no... All they can do is complain about everything.

For me it's really tiresome so i can't imagine how frustrating it is to you and the rest of the team.

Just be sure that there's some of us that have full trust in you and that we love and really appreciate all the work you and the team does.
I don't disagree overall at all. To be fair, it's a lot easier to feel that way once you've had product in hand, though. This is going to be a lot of people's first figure with them & It's harder to build that kind of confidence before you have the experience. There's also been a TON of miscommunication or total silence on this release from retailers, which has only made things harder, & resulted in misdirected frustration & confusion. (CS charged me for shipping in June, for instance. A bit optimistic, turns out). 😂🤷‍♂️

That's not by any stretch a good reason to be rude or make accusations at all, though, & when people have asked politely for updates, we've gotten them in pretty short order, which should hopefully be reassuring.

I think there's a reasonable place in the middle where people can be frustrated (to a point) with the overall situation & also be understanding that this is a small team doing the best they can while the world is still in disarray. People are used to buying toys from huge unfeeling megacorps & it's definitely made cynicism the default. Ultimately this is a temporary inconvenience that nobody will care about in a year, so hopefully we're in the final stretch.
To me, the gunslinger is not my whole world. I have other important things to be focus on. I order the gunslinger just for making my day more fun and mesmerizing our Mr. Finton. Not receiving yet doesn't mean it is the end of the world.

I saying this because I believe Lim will eventually send the figure to our hands. And the reason I believe Lim is that I have seen so many people get their first batch. If the first batch do exist, then why could the second batch be a lie?

But, I am just sharing thought on my side. I know some prople did not get their first batch though they had paid the whole amount of money to a company. They have waited for the gunslinger since 2020 (or earlier?) It is not easy to be chill all the time.

I really hope all the doubt and uncertainty will be resolved in the near future.
Had the first batch figure, and sold it to pay something else off. Preordered from batch 2, already have the mid-beard sculpt from batch 2 now I'm just waiting on the figure. And I can wait because I already know it's worth it. So I have no need to worry or make comments here about "when is this getting released" I trust Lim that they will deliver. Now as far as Their "Oh crap guy" goes I'm foaming at the mouth to get it already. Lmao
Had the first batch figure, and sold it to pay something else off. Preordered from batch 2, already have the mid-beard sculpt from batch 2 now I'm just waiting on the figure. And I can wait because I already know it's worth it. So I have no need to worry or make comments here about "when is this getting released" I trust Lim that they will deliver. Now as far as Their "Oh crap guy" goes I'm foaming at the mouth to get it already. Lmao
Yeah, I only ever had the mini Aehab, but that made it pretty clear that this one was gonna' be worth the wait.
Anyone else picking up this very historically accurate Native American release from TBL to go with their Arthur figure?

No? Just me?
Haha! I know you’re being sarcastic, but the only thing accurate is the Plains Indian (specifically Cheyenne) warbonnet/headdress — the rest is “sexy Halloween cosplay.”
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