Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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I forgot about the sick Arthur head details... is that something that's going to be a 2nd single head release or part of something else...?
I forgot about the sick Arthur head details... is that something that's going to be a 2nd single head release or part of something else...?

My memory says it is part of an accessory pack add-on they are putting together. I think that was the last thing I read on here about it.
Actually those are pictures of the 6th batch, I travelled forward in time to get them.

How many Iron Mans are we up to that far in the future? Has Bespin Han been announced yet?

Actually, scratch that, the real question I want to ask is, how much closer to Solid Snake are we?
How many Iron Mans are we up to that far in the future? Has Bespin Han been announced yet?

Actually, scratch that, the real question I want to ask is, how much closer to Solid Snake are we?
There's still none of those but Morbius 2 was a massive hit and Hot Toys ended up making a full lineup of all the Morbius characters, he even said "It's Morbin time"!
There's a new Sadie coming from VeryCool, looks it's using some recast parts from the VTS Wilderness Rider release, the SW one looks better than this imo but it's still cool to see RDR getting more stuff put out.
There's a new Sadie coming from VeryCool, looks it's using some recast parts from the VTS Wilderness Rider release, the SW one looks better than this imo but it's still cool to see RDR getting more stuff put out.
View attachment 590793
I dunno why, but the first thing that popped into my head was 'will the real slim shadi please stand up?' lol
Anyhow, I can see collectors most likely grabbing an additional SW Sadie sculpt and kit bashing this one. VC usually makes decent quality clothing for their products, but that head sculpt is pretty far off. I already have the SW on PO, so I'll probably skip this one. She doesn't look too bad though.
Looks a bit like Bonnie McFarlane, actually. If you kitbashed this into another Sadie, the head could still be useful.
Huh I can see it a little bit now that you mention it but only because the sculpt has blonde hair and has blue eyes, it reminds me more of an actress I can't quite remember right now.
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That's actually a pretty-good looking figure. A bit too much of the 'supermodel' good looks, but I guess they have to do that to make it sell.