Lim Toys - 1/6 The Gunslinger (Outlaws of The West)

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It's not really that simple. R_R_X is the expert in so he'll probably weight in, but the sculpt is just part of it. Once they cast it, they need to paint it, yes. But they need to make all of the bodies, all of the clothes, all of the accessories. Packaging the sheer amount of stuff that comes with this figure takes time, as well as quality control/inspection. Plus, you're at the mercy of how quickly the factory can work based on the volume of orders that they get.

Plus, in this hobby, having extra time going into production is definitely a good thing. It usually means they're committed to getting everything right and not rushing things to get it out the door.
All this and lockdowns in China are still happening on a regular basis, unfortunately it seems like things will get worse before they get better.
Comic Sanctorum is now saying the shipping service I have selected is now been suspended until further notice due to Omicron and I can either get a refund (in store credit not money), I can wait for the service to resume in the future, or pay an additional fee to upgrade the shipping service. The highest amount i can pay to upgrade is 10 dollars
Comic Sanctorum is now saying the shipping service I have selected is now been suspended until further notice due to Omicron and I can either get a refund (in store credit not money), I can wait for the service to resume in the future, or pay an additional fee to upgrade the shipping service. The highest amount i can pay to upgrade is 10 dollars

KGHobby did the same to me with my GameToys Cloud Strife figure. Originally, I ordered the figure with economy shipping, which was suspended. I waited about six months, but it became clear that it wasn't going to open up again. I ended up paying $25 to upgrade.
Manage to find a way to get the hair to seat lower (Do it at your own risk)
Method I used basically cut the hair piece and only keep the back side so it don’t look weird
Only tried this method because I got spare hair piece and wanted to try it


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Well, I finally changed my favorite Head Sculpt (clean shaven) to the mid beard and I love the look. I keep taking photos at night in terrible light but I'm so happy how it looks I couldn't hold myself. I absolutely adore the hands where you can hold the hat/crayon. It's been now over a month since I got him and everytime I sit at my desk I have to take a yonder over to him. I'm so lucky to be one to posses such a piece of art. I wish I could afford to buy more than 1.

I could go on about the small details you keep finding with this figure but everyone here already knows.

Next update is gonna be when I have him fully outfitted for winter. Thank you Limtoys, thank you loads!


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I did a bit of a weird mod. I wasn’t happy with the way the ascot laid on the body, so i pulled up some reference from the game. I squashed and wrinkled it to match the game and used tiny droplets of superglue to hold the wrinkles in place. It’s laying much more naturally now and I think that improves the figure greatly


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I did a bit of a weird mod. I wasn’t happy with the way the ascot laid on the body, so i pulled up some reference from the game. I squashed and wrinkled it to match the game and used tiny droplets of superglue to hold the wrinkles in place. It’s laying much more naturally now and I think that improves the figure greatly

I should have included this in my other post, but I also mixed up a color reminiscent of the color used to weather the boots and lightly drybrushed his hat. I went along the brim and the ridge along the top and highlighted all the cuts and gashes. Sorry for the spam, I just like this figure a lot and continue to mess with him !!
I finally have the figure in my hand. The quality is great, and the accessories are larger than I thought. The Gunslinger is truly worth the wait.

Here is my first challenge. Is there any tip to taking off the gunslinger's jacket without damaging it?

I want to maintain the good condition of the figure as long as possible.
Dutch has a plan for a mustache is what I heard.
As a fella with facial adornments there is no such thing as a plain moustache my friend, each one has a life of its own in my case needs taming often. Seriously for a moment I take your point on the Dutch moustache.


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I did a bit of a weird mod. I wasn’t happy with the way the ascot laid on the body, so i pulled up some reference from the game. I squashed and wrinkled it to match the game and used tiny droplets of superglue to hold the wrinkles in place. It’s laying much more naturally now and I think that improves the figure greatly

That looks great. I also ruffed mine up to make it less flat, but was able to get it to lay flat and naturally thanks to the bandolier, it really completes the look imo
Finally moved some things around and got my Arthur set up with a proper cabinet space. Absolutely incredible figure... Feels sturdy and all the clothing and accessories are top tier. Even the clicks of the skeleton are so satisfying to hear... Is that weird?

I also got him a *very* lore accurate and period friendly companion piece.



What? You guys thought I was kidding earlier? 🌝
I did a bit of a weird mod. I wasn’t happy with the way the ascot laid on the body, so i pulled up some reference from the game. I squashed and wrinkled it to match the game and used tiny droplets of superglue to hold the wrinkles in place. It’s laying much more naturally now and I think that improves the figure greatly
Not weird at all. I actually found his ascot is tucked into the shirt when his jacket is on, it's only when he isn't wearing it that the ascot is out. I honestly feel water treating it and creating the folds when it's wet and letting it dry would have kept the same folds.