LIMTOYS - Outlaws From The West - The Cowboy 1/6 scale collectible figure

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So, in game the Lancaster Repeater was based on Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy", named so for its bronze/brass alloy receiver.


Customizing the gun at the gunsmith in-game to give it an iron frame makes the rifle look like a Winchester Model 1873.

In 1899, John Marston can be seen with a unique version that is iron-plated and has a Rosewood varnish. It is often strapped over his left shoulder, and he can be seen using it in combat at various times. However, the weapon is omitted from his inventory when he is playable, except during the mission "Jim Milton Rides, Again?". The customization appears to be a nod to the Winchester Repeater from Red Dead Redemption, where John was the protagonist.

We also recasted the Lancaster repeater &revolver for better detail.

LIM Toys John Marston 1 (13).jpeg

Besides the shape of the butt plate LIM's looks quite close to the 1866, apart from the receiver colour.

It's ironic because the M1899 is a special custom version, but in gold rather than iron. I'm going to be tempted to repaint both back to their regular colours.

LIM goes the extra mile in capturing accurate details, because they have a real passion for the source, so it's a shame that the game models veered away from reality. Though if it weren't for the games we wouldn't be getting the figures at all.


For some reason it was impossible to upload Fireclawjack's photo of the full Lancaster. I tried saving it in different ways, and even uploaded it to Flickr and downloaded it from there, but this site doesn't like it.

The only way it worked was sharing directly from Flickr.

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Correction here, John comes with 1 shotgun shell and 10 bullets, same as the listing.
we didn’t want to set the price high, as the cost of the production is raising year by year.John already came with 2 set of clothes and a bunch of accessories, the cost of John’s production is the highest one among all our products.
Just like any character with a bandolier, usually they don’t come with fully loaded bullets.
if the request is there, we’d listen. But we can’t add any more now because it’s ready to be released.
We may consider add more bullets in Dutch’s set.

Thank you! R_R_X has mentioned the rising production costs before, so I completely understand the decision not to go overboard with extras.
But the idea with Dutch sounds great!
Maybe you guys could offer 2 versions with Kit. One standard for the casual buyer and a B version for all the bullet maniacs out there :lol
That way you could satisfy both. Normal people don't have to pay more for things they don't actually want or need and the folks out there trying to prepare for the Undead Nightmare version of the Cowboy apocalypse (myself included, of course) would finally stop their whining :wink1:

No fancy packaging variants or anything complicated like that, just a simple little plastic bag filled with different bullets for those that want it.
That would be awesome!!! :pray:
View attachment 762137
Also the distortion of camera could make the look of the proportion different. We didn’t just reuse Arthur’s body as the shoulder wide, the arms and waist are all new parts.

Phew, this photo makes me feel a lot better about the figure. I was hoping that it was just the higher angle of the previous photo (and the pose) making his shoulders look too broad, plus it was making the head look too small. It looks good here