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Massive wood. I've been waiting for Spielberg to get off his ass and quit delaying this for what seems like a decade now. I was juiced for Neeson in the role but Day Lewis will take this to the next level.

Edit: I also hope Hollywood let's the real Lincoln be shown and not some altruistic pillar that he's been turned into.
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Edit: I also hope Hollywood let's the real Lincoln be shown and not some altruistic pillar that he's been turned into.

I'm sure they will. Plenty is known about Lincoln and that he wasn't perfect but at the same time some of the negative stuff isn't that factual either. You just have to check out who wrote it and their background.

Edit: Lincoln is the President I've taken the time to read the most on over the years. While not a perfect man with his own problems. He was willing to do things he knew would help win the war because it was best for the nation and in the end what was right for the nation at large.
I'm not referring to any of his personal problems. My comments were more in reference to making him out to be some sort of freedom fighting, civil rights supporting do gooder crusading for "the every man." Lincoln was a man of his times and that needs to be portrayed accurately. Lincoln did the things he did to help preserve the Union. Nothing more, nothing less.
Right he got rid of Slavery because it helped the Union have more soldiers. It is recorded that he wasn't of the same total mind set of Southerners of course but yes he did what he did to keep the Union together.

Edit: I can't wait for this to come out. I love the Civil War era. Its by far the era I love learning the most about. I watch stuff all the time on Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Lee, etc.
I'm not referring to any of his personal problems. My comments were more in reference to making him out to be some sort of freedom fighting, civil rights supporting do gooder crusading for "the every man." Lincoln was a man of his times and that needs to be portrayed accurately. Lincoln did the things he did to help preserve the Union. Nothing more, nothing less.

:goodpost: :exactly:

I'll watch anything with Day-Lewis in it.
I'm not referring to any of his personal problems. My comments were more in reference to making him out to be some sort of freedom fighting, civil rights supporting do gooder crusading for "the every man." Lincoln was a man of his times and that needs to be portrayed accurately. Lincoln did the things he did to help preserve the Union. Nothing more, nothing less.

God help you for not giving the typical robot answer. :wink1: :D

Should be an awesome movie though, anything with Lewis or Speilberg attached should be "movie of the year" already

As for the whom is better debate, its really hard to compare the two actors. Liam is AWESOME in every role he plays but i'm convinced Lewis is either the best actor of our time or a complete lunatic. Either or, he's phenominal.
I'll be pretty pissed off if he get's beaten by his wife or if he has sex with any dudes.
Just heard about this as well. It is funny cause a few weeks ago my friends and I were talking about how epic it would be if DDL played Lincoln. Our dreams are coming true!
I'm surprised Steven didnt go with Ford.
He certainly looks more the part at his age with a little help from make up. His current acting style and energy level seem to be a good match as well.
I always thought of Lincoln as slow and deliberate and reserved which seems to sum up Ford lately.
Oh well, I'll look forward to Daniel Day Lincoln telling Jefferson Davis he's going to drink his milkshake.
(I hope this movie isnt based on Gore Vidals bio, it'll be DOA)

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Spartan Rex said:
His current acting style and energy level seem to be a good match as well.
I always thought of Lincoln as slow and deliberate and reserved which seems to sum up Ford lately.

Alcoholism? :dunno
dem eeet, i thought it was a full length feature of this.

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Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln sounds awesome.

and there is a Lincoln vampire hunting movie coming-

The news comes as "The Conspirator," Robert Redford's movie about the aftermath of the Lincoln assassination, is prepped for a 2011 release. Meanwhile, another film about Lincoln is set to hit theaters in June 2012. But that movie, directed by Timur Bekmambetov and produced by Tim Burton, will stray a bit from actual history -- it presents Lincoln as a secret vampire killer.