Went and saw the LFoDH for the second time yesterday - it's been forever since I have paid to see a movie twice at the theater - last movie I did this for was Return of the King.
I would definitely rate this one above 2 and 3 now - so many classic action movie moments. The fight with Mai is now my favorite Die Hard moment of all time. I'm not sure if it's the fact that I am older myself now - compared to seeing the originals as a kid - but I was able to connect even better to the character of McClane as an older and wiser ... but still deadly ... hero. I also love the little exchange with Mac Kid as they drove to the utilities building:
MacKid calls McClane a hero, but he denounces the compliment. Tells him that all being a hero gets you is a slap on the back ... then divorce, losing your children, etc.
MK- "But you've saved my life like 10 times already today. Why are you even doing this?"
JM- "I don't wanna be doing this. If there was anyone else, I would let them do it. But there isn't. I'm the only one who can do this."
MK- "And that's what makes you that guy."
That one little exchange - which I kind of glossed-over on my first viewing - sums up the character perfectly. The everyman who does it, not for the glory, but out of a sense of duty. Kinda brought a tear to my eye - in a manly way of course
As for the controversy, the PG-13 didn't hurt the film, but it was obviously cut in numerous spots. The most obvious one is the MacBoy rant after the utilities explosion. If you look carefully, his lips don't match his words from a distance, and the close-ups were obviously filmed later. There were also a couple of obvious quick cuts due to violence - most notable, "Hamster boy's" demise in the cooling room. I don't know how some of the 20th Century fox talking heads can claim this was always intended as a PG-13. I hope we get an unrated DVD ... but after my second viewing, I could live with just the PG-13 version. It's that good.