PosterBoyKelly said:
McClane means something to people?
Anyway, my point is the swearing IS part of the character. I'm sure it's a great movie, I'll see it, probably fun. But the thing is, is it's NOT the same as it was in the late 80's early 90's, action movies PRIME TIME! Things didn't need to be PC or toned down. Not that I think "swearing" is cool or something, it's just the fact that it was watered down. THAT'S the frustrating part.
Okay, first off, I am not naive. I fully realize that the PG-13 was some idiot in marketing's idea. And while Bruce has lately stated that the PG-13 rating doesn't bother him, he was mad as hell when it first leaked out. And I was too. I was one of the first here to ***** about the PG-13. In fact, I went to see the movie yesterday expecting crap - but out of loyalty to the character. And to answer your question, yes, some of us have loyalty to John McClane ... he was one of the first action heroes I came into contact with as a child. I loved Moonlighting for Willis's smart ass, ****y attitude ... McClane was David Addison to the 100th degree - with a killer instinct to boot. The character just stuck with me over the course of the films. Is it any different from people who have a connection to Rambo/Rocky? I believe we develop a connection to characters both in print and film ... it's what makes us give a damn about all these sequels in the first place.
But, back on topic. I realize the lack of cursing was more of a marketing decision. However, it still could work with the character. Doing the math (assuming he was in his late 20's/early 30's in the first film - his daughter was 4. In this film, I would guess shes in the 17-18 range. So, that would put him in the mid-40 range at youngest. Who's to say he hasn't changed as a person. Even in part 3, he showed signs of realizing the "old" McClane was what destroyed his marriage. I would imagine hanging up on Holly when he realized Simon was in Canada didn't help much either

Is it so impossible to believe he try to "become a better person" as he aged. I would assume from the narrative in 4 that his life had been pretty plain since Vengeance. So, I could see the character development of him giving up alcohol ... cutting back on the cursing ... just generally trying to be a better example for his children. That may sound stupid, but I have seen it happen in real life. My father used to curse like crazy. My mom said it started when he got back from Vietnam. Well, about 3 years ago, when my step-sister was 8, she told him to f##k off. He got angry, but I think it hit him ... he was teaching her that ... what right did he have to be angry? So, he slowly cut back ... and if you saw/heard him today, you probably wouldn't recognize him. Who's to say that McClane didn't have a similar epiphany? He still curses when things go bad ... just not as many F bombs (well, technically, he does say one, but you can't hear it).
Yes, all of that is rationalization for an idiot in marketing making a stupid decision. I still pray we get an unrated cut of the movie on DVD. HOWEVER, it works with the narrative. And, when something works, it doesn't bother me as much. The PG-13 didn't feel out of place like in AvP - the poster child for bad ratings editing. And to be honest, the main reason I was so pissed when I heard it was going to be PG-13 was because it brought back AvP images. But, in my opinion, it still worked and felt like "Die Hard".